For those unfamiliar with NativeAlpha
  • Shows any website in a borderless full-screen window using Android System WebView.
  • Create home screen shortcuts and retrieves icons in suitable resolution.
  • Various settings (JavaScript, cookies, adblocking, location/camera/microphone access) can be set for every web app individually
  • Navigation with multi-touch gestures while browsing.
  • Opt-in adblock using an AdBlock Plus custom webview.
  • Less memory footprint and no privacy-invading app permissions in comparison to native apps
  • Dark mode for Android 10+

Updates in this version:

  • Order of Web Apps in menu can be changed
  • File downloads are supported
  • Native Alpha custom context menu can be deactived so that the standard browser context menu is shown
  • Italian translation added
  • General, technical version updates
  • Admiral
    7 months ago


    I’m playing with a device that runs Android Go, and while it has a fully functional web browser/web view, it does not seem to support PWAs or creating shortcut icons to websites. Have just dealt with the URL bar being visible in those apps.

    The only thing that doesn’t seem to work is creating the shortcut launcher, but that looks like some weird limitation of Android Go (neither FF, Fennec, nor Chrome can do that, either). Still, it’s easier to open NativeAlpha as a web app launcher than dealing with bookmarks for any of the aforementioned browsers .

    Edit: Turns out it’s not an Android Go limitation at all. It was just the default launcher that came installed that didn’t support creating web app shortcuts. Replaced that with a different launcher, and now NA shortcuts as well as ones created by FF/Fennec and Chrome work.