I’m applying for universities this fall, so I’ve started to do research for them. I don’t have any experience with this, and I don’t really know what I should be looking for. Right now I have found all the major universities that have Bachelors in the field that I want to go into (Mechatronics), and I have added a little bit of info on each as well as their requirements in an obsidian doc, but what other info would be worth looking into and adding to my document?

(Edited to include my field of interest)

  • Curious Canid
    7 months ago

    Getting a university degree is essential for a lot of professions, but it should not be your only purpose in attending. It’s an opportunity expand yourself as a person while training for a job. Take some classes in non-technical areas that you know very little about. A few of them may lead to lifelong interests. Even if they don’t, they will give you a broader view of the world and the people in it.

    Even if you end up loving your job, there is more to life than work.

    I have a computer science degree and work as a developer and consultant. The most important things I learned in college were from some anthropology classes I took out of curiosity. Technical knowledge is not that hard to acquire. Gaining new perspectives on the world is a lot harder to come by. Take advantage of the opportunities.