Important info: From Early September, iOS versions earlier than 12 will no longer be supported.

  • This is an app update, so keep an eye on your app store approx 23 hours from the time of this post to get the goods.
  • Start saving red keys if you want more chances at the new Opus. Green keys are safe to burn.
  • Badge Exchange update! Added function to choose which badges to exchange, as well as function (On the Item screen) to lock badges you don’t want to exchange.
  • Super cute Lokido kitty gear!
  • New encounter: Crimson Reaper Ilulu, and her sidekick Limil! (Such good kitty .
  • Fateful Encounter: Parallel Time Layer Series
  • Encounters will go live 24 hours from the time of this post, but other content will be available immediately after updating, as well as Opuses (Opii?) for Parallel Ilulu.
  • As has been standard for Parallel character introductions, the first quest will be available without having the character, commencing in Acteul. Chapter 13 of the Main Story must be cleared first.
  • New content: Cradle of Time! Begins in the Spacetime Rift, but NOT autoplay this time.
  • Cradle of Time requires chapter 25 of Main Story (Part 1) to be complete, at which point an event icon will be available in the Spacetime Rift.
  • Help the researcher, and earn rewards including Chant Scripts!

Next update: 15th August, expecting an AS and a manifestation. Would redact for spoilers if we had that here, so just omitting names for now :)

    1 year ago

    I did not enjoy the implementation of the last (several) new addition(s) to the game - sadly, I think it is this very update where I am switching to expect disappointment by default rather than eagerness:-(. Note I am not talking about the stories - those like Mysterious Vortex and Warped Cochlea are FANTASTIC! - and I have not begun Main Story part 3 so no comment positive or negative there yet, but instead I mean like harpooning, the Maze, the Astral Notification Bug oh ah I mean Archive (in fairness, they fixed it fairly quickly, and now I think it will be a great feature for newer players, inconsistencies in their wording and such aside). But we will see - maybe this time it will be bug-free from the start!? :-P

    Here is the page for it btw - the non-English wikis really do have such an ENORMOUS edge over our Global one, it is not even close how empty Global is of so many foundational features like basic in-game tutorial stuff, and tier lists for newer players who do not have access to end-game gear and zone setters and grastas and such, and the answer to so many puzzles are usually found on Altema,, or maybe after many months to years some of them (not all) might get copied over verbatim to the global wiki, or more often merely a link placed on the global wiki to where the answer is found elsewhere. For example, since we are talking about MV ch. 6 lately, here is the [map](} showing the location of the hidden corridor (REALLY difficult to find, as it is an up/down one in the middle of a path, so bumping face-first into every wall you see will not be sufficient, and yes I say that from first-hand experience having tried exactly that, in EVERY single spot). Anyway, as understandably slow as the global wiki is to add content released months ago in Japan and for which wiki information is already available, I am always impressed to see Altema, which predictably for this content already has all of the background explanation, details of where to go and what to do at exactly every stage, a listing of each & every reward item, and so on, even before the content comes out for us at global! (what is less understandable is why global lags behind so very long even after content does eventually come out - e.g. tactical battles are still nonexistent - which makes me realize that even after JP and Global switch to have content come out at the same time, I will still end up using Altema that has the content for things like this rather than Global that does not, sadly). Oh, sorry for rambling, I just thought that link would be helpful to people and that got me going along that huge bunny trail, although I hope maybe that was of at least some tiny merit as well!:-P

      1 year ago

      altema maps are really good. i used that for the feathers, rocks and so on in the konium area. is that a fan maintained wiki?

        1 year ago

        I’m pretty sure yes, although it is harder for me to search the site trying to use Google Translate but that is what I recall anyway.:-)

        IDA School scrap pieces, the Konium items, Toto Dreamworld pieces, all that kind of stuff that I decided that my screen was too small for it to be enjoyable to fully play through but I still wanted the rewards for, that site is useful for:-).

        And has the Superbosses ranking that we worked to copy over to Global, plus a best weapons listing MONTHS before any global offerings caught up (I mean months even after the content was released in global, not just the content staggered delay), plus a tier list with actually usable roles such as “tank” and “general purpose attacker”. I almost did the work to translate that over to the global wiki but the environment proved too hostile to such things without the blessings of certain people on the discord server who offer a competing product so… It was a non-starter. Which is okay, bc using Google Translate still lets me read it anytime I want so I’m good at least for myself, and as for the rest… They can make their wiki be as empty or full as they choose, I am not in charge of that, I just am a fan of having multiple options to choose from.:-)

        Edit: oh, altema says explicitly:

        This site provides content created independently by the Ultima strategy team.