I couldn’t find a “grammar help” community so I thought this might be a good place to pose this question. Sorry for asking something that boils down to “please help me with my homework” but I’m at a loss. I’m supposed to be using MLA format.

Here’s the text I’m quoting:

“While recognizing the critical potential of the dystopic imagination, this volume examines it as a form of urban representation; the modern city, after all, appears to be an instantiation of a dystopic form of society.”

Here’s my sentence:

Prakash notes the utility of dystopian media, stating “this volume examines it as a form of urban representation; the modern city, after all, appears to be an instantiation of a dystopic form of society.” (3)

Is this right? Should I have the period at the end of the parentheses? I tried looking through my textbook and a few online articles but I couldn’t find an example with a parenthetical citation and a quote that includes a period. Thanks for the help!

      • Etterra@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I’ve never heard it put that way, and you’re not wrong. I’m pretty sure it was intended to mean “that’s not our typo, we’re just quoting the idiot.”

    • machinin@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      My personal pet peeve is people using “societal” when “social” is just as appropriate.

    • bionicjoey
      7 months ago

      I can see the distinction mattering. “Instantiation” implies an act. Something did the instantiating. “Instance” doesn’t have the same implication of an agent.