Fortune cookies are the same kind of woo that carnival fortune tellers are, or astrology horoscopes… or religious dogma.
They can be useful to help someone answer their own questions and come to terms with difficult situations. Tarot works that way. But there’s no power outside the cards or fortune other than how they change your head.
What do Fortune cookies have to do with belief in a god (or gods)?
Chinese fortune cookies were made in San Francisco
The original creator was a Japanese man.
Chinese and Japanese people believe in shinto and Buddhism.
Something something food and deities.
Atheist fortune cookie, duh it’s pretty self explanatory.
Fortune cookies are the same kind of woo that carnival fortune tellers are, or astrology horoscopes… or religious dogma.
They can be useful to help someone answer their own questions and come to terms with difficult situations. Tarot works that way. But there’s no power outside the cards or fortune other than how they change your head.