• PenguinTD
    11 months ago

    It’s kinda weird that it’s all kinda “legal”, since I didn’t see any charge etc mentioned. But a district can use this “boundary” rule to essentially blacklist a person for 15 years cause he maybe “grooming” underage kids. So, does that mean if one decides that have relationship with a former student then he/she need to quit be a teacher before that relationship can happen?

    I wonder how this work for say college where teacher/professor/staff and students are both considered “adults”?

    Note, I did not say it’s an appropriate/socially acceptable thing to do, as observed that this specific scenario happened in drama all over different cultures.(ie. Japanese/Korean drama shows where such thing is pretty much forbidden, so even if it’s true relationship you probably need to quit before you try to move in together or get married, AND even then you might be judged socially.) There are bad person exploit this position where they gain trust and exploit/manipulate underage kids and get away legally, but that also means “legit” relation comes with consequences if it happened under such setting. And yet this exact thing happened through out history between mentor/apprentice.

    I wonder what’s the general western view point of such relationship. Where in general working environment, the power imbalance usually resolve where moving the couple into different department to avoid conflict of interest, or one has to resign and working for different place.

    • phx
      11 months ago

      I wonder how this work for say college where teacher/professor/staff and students are both considered “adults”?

      In many countries, there are still legal implications for an (attempted) relationship with somebody they have a balance of power over. That could include a college prof with their student, a doctor and a patient, or a police officer and somebody with whom they’ve got a case etc etc