There are a number of Wonder Woman movies but not one movie with Rocket Raccoon as a main character and Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 3 where he actually did play somewhat of a major role to the movie. Note as well I found it on Reddit as a 10-year-old post so Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 3 wasn’t out yet and basically yeah the first movie was still new so yeah 2014 is when this meme was made. Is the joke meant to point fun at the fact that people criticize Wonder Woman movies cause the most recent one at this time was in 2011? I honestly just don’t get what this joke is trying to convey.

    3 months ago

    Nah, I think the gist is that DC, and the parent company, have a skewed view of what their characters mean compared to the way Marvel and their parent company use theirs.

    You’re over thinking rocket’s screen time as a factor. It’s the fact that marvel, and Disney, knew damn good and well that the characters they picked for the early MCU phases would work and knew enough to not crap on the essence of the characters. Yeah, they threw comic canon onto a back shelf, but they referenced it while establishing the universe and characters as they went.

    DC no longer gets the heart of their characters, they think of them as monoliths, these too large for life epic things. And that means they refuse to just make a movie about the characters as the fans know them. They also refuse to do proper world building before expecting fans to jump aboard.

    Now, there’s a dozen reasons for that opinion, more than anyone but a dedicated comic geek would bother with reading. Suffice it to say that DC has the same trouble in their comics sometimes. And it shows the difference in “philosophy” between the people running the companies and how they want to maximize their IP. I wish I could say that it was more about the execs actually caring, but that’s not realistic, it’s about making money off of the property first, and anything else is just luck.