LEFT SIDE IMAGE (black outfit) features The Birds Papaya (Sarah) from a instagram video posted on June 6, 2024. (body slimming filter detected). RIGHT SIDE IMAGE (bathing suit) features The Birds Papaya (Sarah) from a instagram video posted on June 25, 2024 (Getty images, no filter).

  • facialSwellingOP
    9 months ago

    For comparison purposes, look at The Birds Papaya’s neck size on June, 6, 2024 (black outfit) vs, The Birds Papaya’s neck size on the Sports Illustrated Swim week catwalk for Knix on June 25th, 2024. I’ve included The Birds Papaya’s photo from a Women’s Health feature (where no filters were used). The Birds Papaya’s neck size is the same in the unfiltered images (pink swimsuit and pink back ground). When the filter is used (far left, black t-shirt) The Birds Papaya’s neck is half the size as in reality. Sarah Nicole Landry a body confidence spokesperson uses body and face filters.

      • facialSwellingOP
        9 months ago

        Sarah’s deception hurt my self confidence and triggered body dysmorphia. I had a baby in lockdown around the same time as Sarah. Looking back I bought every thing she was selling so I could capture the confidence she displayed in perfect photoshopped images. Eventually Sarah claimed she had postpartum depression, she never showed any of that until it benefitted her. Until it trended on tiktok. Sarah showed a stunning beautiful face and the perfect stories of her new daughters daily outfits. I could hardly keep myself together. Sarah hurts women. Why do people support her? How dare she take our healing space. Sarah is selfish and greedy.

        • No_really_why
          9 months ago

          I had a baby around the same time and a friend recommended the birds papaya so I could get tips for how to work from home with a baby and “do it all” just like Sarah appeared to be doing.

          I felt like a failure wondering what I was doing wrong or why I couldn’t do what she claimed - until Sarah admitted having a FULL TIME nanny for her baby from the beginning.

          She glossed over it like it was no big deal and only really posted about it because the nanny was taking mat leave. Her lies about being able to do everything effortlessly were so damaging. She documented every part of her day and made sure to hide the fact that she had a nanny. I was instantly disgusted with her and am sure other parents felt the same betrayal (and relief). To have a baby during the pandemic was hard enough. Way to support other women, Sarah.

        • Bitchwhiskers
          9 months ago

          She’s triggered me big time as well. I’m sorry she fucked with your head during what is one of the most challenging times of a mother’s life.

    • ladybonerforjustice
      9 months ago

      Why does she even filter her neck? Is it a bad thing to have a wide (proportionate) neck? She’s nuts.