• SpaceCowboy
    4 months ago

    Indeed, did we watch the same movies?

    Hux explicitly says that the Republic is supplying the Resistance with weapons, there is mention that the Reistance wants the Republic Fleet to intervene,

    There was no sign of any functional societies outside of slavers and remnant powers.

    That’s because most of the story takes place outside of Republic space. That is except for one brief scene where we see that Republic capital just before it’s blown up. It’s stated that the most Republic fleet was also destroyed along with the capital. They may have had most of their fleet in the capital system if they had intel that the First Order had a Death Star. A Death Star would have to make an approach to the planet before firing, so having the fleet there to defend against that would makes sense. Of course Starkiller Base could hit them from across the galaxy which they didn’t anticipate. At any rate C3PO mentions the fleet was destroyed, so there was a Republic fleet, and there was a Republic capital (that looked quite nice) but it got destroyed. So there was a Republic, it’s just the story takes place mostly outside of Republic space.

    Why does the rebellion even still call themselfs that?

    They don’t? They call themselves the Resistance. They do make a callback to the Rebellion in TLJ, and yeah the destruction of the Republic fleet and the decapitation of the Republic probably meant that the First Order was the dominant power in the galaxy at that point so they were more like the Rebellion then. Anyway it was one little callback for nostalgia feels, they mostly called themselves The Resistance.

    Also the space bombers are stupid.

    Most of TLJ was stupid, but since nothing really happens in that one, it can be skipped.