• Cyborganism
    4 months ago

    Kubuntu: It’s doing the job I expect it to do.

    I’ve been using Ubuntu or one of its variants for the last 20 years after having moved from Mandrake back in the day. It has never let me down. It’s hands down one of the easiest distros to use and I trust the company behind it, Canonical, which has helped Linux move forward in great strides.

    Part of which I’ve stayed with Ubuntu is also because it uses the Debian package system which, back in the early 2000’s, was the easiest to use with its automatic package dependency management, contrary to Red Hat’s RPM based packaging system where you could fall into a dependency rabbit hole. And I’ve never wanted to go back to and RPM-based distro ever sine from the PTSD lol! Though recent experiences with CentOS showed me it has improved quite a it.