• BobaFuttbucker@reddthat.com
    3 months ago

    Wow the delusion with you is so strong. Rather than just answer my question you have decided to focus solely on a single statement and construct a narrative around that to feel superior.

    I’ve heard of safe spaces but this is remarkable.

    Gaslight <— You are Here



    • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      I’m trying to establish a base line and work from there but you’re so caught up in your little question, thinking you have some gotcha, you can’t respond to anything else.

      So here’s the response to your question of why you should care about Hunter, even though your actions show you do.

      Caring about something is subjective and with your dishonesty there’s no way to determine if it’s worthy of you caring. Further you caring is not an important metric to determine if a subject can be discussed.

      • BobaFuttbucker@reddthat.com
        3 months ago

        I’m trying to establish a base line and work from there but you’re so caught up in your little question, thinking you have some gotcha, you can’t respond to anything else.

        I’m simply being consistent. Sorry if that’s difficult for you to handle.

        So here’s the response to your question of why you should care about Hunter, even though your actions show you do.

        More projection, I’m asking you for your reason as to why Hunter is even relevant, not why should I care. Once again you have the smallest possible understanding of the question but take that and twist it to fit your narrative.

        Caring about something is subjective and with your dishonesty there’s no way to determine if it’s worthy of you caring. Further you caring is not an important metric to determine if a subject can be discussed.


        • So why do you care enough to comment here at all?
        • When have I been dishonest? Please provide examples.
        • Again, I’m not asking why should I care, but why Hunter is relevant

        For a guy who likes to talk shit about my reading comprehension you’re pretty bad at comprehending what you read.



        Project <- You are Here

        • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          I’m simply being consistent. Sorry if that’s difficult for you to handle.

          You disputed my original statement I’m just to verifying you didn’t know what you’re talking about when you disputed it.

          More projection, I’m asking you for your reason as to why Hunter is even relevant, not why should I care, I’ll answer yours. I dont have some nonsense gotcha that I’m clutching to.

          Replace care with relevant.

          Relevance is subjective and with your dishonesty there’s no way to determine if it’s relevant. Further your threshold for relevance is not an important metric to determine if a subject can be discussed.


          Even though you still haven’t answered my question. If Hunter is not relevant then why are you so invested. I’ll answer yours I don’t have some nonsense gotcha.

          So why do you care enough to comment here at all?

          As I’ve stated before shooting down all your ridiculous claims is entertainment. You make turd time fun.

          When have I been dishonest? Please provide examples.

          • You claimed I stated there were good white supremists. Below is your lie.

          You claim there are good white supremacists.

          • You’ve claimed I was gaslightning you and then in your very next reply claimed you never stated I was making things up. One of those is a lie.

          Again, I’m not asking why should I care, but why Hunter is relevant

          I don’t know why he’s relevant to you and I don’t care to find out why, I just know he is.

          If you didn’t think Hunter was relevant you wouldn’t have asked for sources for his emails. If you didn’t think Hunter was relevant you wouldn’t have disputed those sources. It wasn’t until your 5th reply after sources were provided that you shifted to why is this relevant.

          • BobaFuttbucker@reddthat.com
            3 months ago

            lol dude the entire reason I’m asking you why he’s relevant is because you haven’t explained why yet. You’re just trying to turn it back around and say I want receipts cause i find him relevant??? That makes zero sense man.

            Let me be perfectly clear.

            I don’t give a single fuck what Hunter Biden does or doesn’t do, because he is not relevant in society.

            Clearly you feel otherwise but refuse to explain, instead you project your rage with him onto me. It’s a very childish way to handle emotion.



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            • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
              3 months ago

              I don’t give a single fuck what Hunter Biden does or doesn’t do, because he is not relevant in society.

              Then why ask for sources showing his wrong doing and dispute those sources?

              • BobaFuttbucker@reddthat.com
                3 months ago

                Then why ask for sources showing his wrong doing and dispute those sources?

                A couple reasons:

                • To understand your point better (you’re welcome)
                • To educate myself in case I missed something
                • I haven’t once dismissed away anything you’ve provided evidence for, I’m simply asking you why you give enough of a shit to follow Hunter at all and discuss him on a Political community. I have the same question for OP.

                Interesting though how every time I bring up that last point you can’t help but deflect. Calling it now. Your next comment will be a deflection and you won’t just directly answer me. But there ya go, I just directly answered you, so now it’s your turn.

                That is, if you’re even capable.

                • jimbolauski@lemm.ee
                  3 months ago

                  I haven’t once dismissed away anything you’ve provided evidence for

                  Also you

                  Hahahaha that article doesn’t have proof of shit.

                  There’s no reason to lie about things.

                  I’m simply asking you why you give enough of a shit to follow Hunter at all and discuss him on a Political community

                  There was an impeachment inquiry into Joe based in part by the content of Hunter’s laptop. Instead of choosing to be ignorant on the matter I followed the proceedings. I responded because I knew my 100% factual statement correcting the liberal narrative would rile up you and your comrades.

                  • BobaFuttbucker@reddthat.com
                    3 months ago

                    I didn’t dismiss your article, I said it had no proof of anything, which it didn’t. You needed to supplement that article with additional evidence to confirm it was accurate, then I stopped mentioning it, didn’t I?

                    I know our threads can be hard to follow sometimes but that’s because you keep deflecting and forgetting the topic.

                    There was an impeachment inquiry into Joe based in part by the content of Hunter’s laptop.

                    Yes, because the House can do that. 7 months into this inquiry and nothing has happened because there’s no evidence of wrongdoing.

                    Since we’re keeping score, TFG had 2 impeachment inquiries, and articles of impeachment.

                    Instead of choosing to be ignorant on the matter I followed the proceedings.

                    So you’re aware proceedings are still going on because they haven’t been able to find any wrongdoing, yeah?

                    I responded because I knew my 100% factual statement correcting the liberal narrative would rile up you and your comrades.

                    Who’s riled? I’m simply asking for evidence that neither you nor the house have been able to find for 7 months now. I think you’re the riled one, posturing about it like it matters in the face of 7 months of dead ends.

                    Honestly I’m not even mad. It’s fucking HILARIOUS watching you try to build a case against him because there is none. But you’re incapable of admitting it, just like the Republicans leading the impeachment inquiry. Otherwise you already would’ve. You’re just deep into the sunk cost fallacy rn and flailing.



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