It been two weeks and they’re, only now, getting the downstairs kitchen up and running? Does she think she’s coming off as relatable to followers by filming herself doing the work we do many times in a day?
It been two weeks and they’re, only now, getting the downstairs kitchen up and running? Does she think she’s coming off as relatable to followers by filming herself doing the work we do many times in a day?
How about her whining for months about the renovations and the inconvenience all to have a goddamn normal size kitchen in their basement? Their second kitchen is bigger than my kitchen fps lol. Her privilege is astounding. And they’re only cleaning it now? Have they been living on takeout and crustables all this time??
Yes! Calling that a kitchenette is deceptive! It’s a fully functioning kitchen. I was picturing having to rely on a microwave and plug in an airfryer! I never imagined having a full size fridge and stove. She always has to exaggerate and feign hardship. She has more square footage in living space in that house without the main floor than most people! It’s privilege, it’s arrogance and not knowing how other people have to scrape by to make do. She’s so far from the everywoman it’s laughable
That’s exactly what I thought! I didn’t know it had many cupboards, a stove, a fridge, a sink. My kitchen is like a cubby compared to her second kitchen. She makes me sick. She wants to be disadvantaged so badly but she isn’t even close.
The part about how she wants to be disadvantaged is what really strikes me. We’ve seen this second kitchen set up now and know it’s a lot better than many people’s primary kitchen. It’s this kind of stuff that should open people’s eyes and question all those other stories she tells about how hard her life has been. Did you know she’s divorced? 🤣
I must have missed the full size second kitchen. Jeeeezus, they’re so hard done by, hey? Lemme grab my tiny violin 🙄
She was grifted this bloody fridge and is about to probably be given all new appliances again. So irritating.

She annoys me so much. It’s gonna grind my gears when she gets brand new appliances, I have an OLD ass stove but nobody is gifting me a free one.