I’m running a (for now) single-user instance on my personal domain at lemmy.beckmeyer.us. It’d be great to join the federation since this is the main feature that makes single-user instances possible :)

  • ufra
    3 years ago

    I’ve been curious about this too. I have an instance (https://links.stringtalk.org/) with an appropriate harassment etc policy that others are free to use but it will probably not have anyone but me. What is the thinking on federating personal instances?

    I need to upgrade it and start using it.

      • @[email protected]OP
        03 years ago

        I think the allow-list thing could be re-worked and stretched a little.

        E.g., does lemmy.ml (or the Lemmy server software) have a page/endpoint that lists the instances it currently federates with? This could be tracked by other servers at their own discretion. Then, for the people that “don’ wanna trust nobody” they can look at other instances other than lemmy.ml for an allow-list, or just roll their own :D