Dude makes so many little expressions in a short scene. Brilliant acting.
The Klingon Academy game has so much untreaded ground.
Just a quick shout & thansk to whoever is milking SO much content & memes out of this character. Just, it’s what I come to the internet for 😂🫶🙏
You are fantastic!:-P
Gowron is life, Gowron is glory.
Definitely ravenous. All I’ve had to eat today was two cheese sticks. And instead of moving 10 feet to retrieve food, I’m posting about it on lemmy.
resumes scrolling
Haven’t eaten yet myself. Have reached hangry, but can’t take a break for about another 2 hours.
Get some of that colorful space food.
I present you with our finest playdo
I myself feel quite cantankerous at the time
The Far Side this meme is based on, for people who haven’t seen it: