KDE Gear 24.05 is out! It comes with new versions of Dolphin, Kdenlive, Merkuro, Elisa, Kate, many more apps, and no ads or spyware.
Throwin shade at MS with “no ads or spyware” lol
Merkuro looks so good! The previous calendar was unusable for me, but good KDE Software is really nice.
I wish the Akonadi stuff could run as a Flatpak runtime though, to support multiplatform. But I am not sure if this requires IPC or also native messaging.
Kontact is on Flathub, so it is definitely possible.
EDIT: Merkuro is apparently bundled with the Kontact Flatpak. Seems like they’re just shoving anything that uses Akonadi in that package. So on one hand, it seems there is a Merkuro Flatpak already. On the other hand, it’s bundled with a bunch of extra stuff you probably don’t need if you’re using Merkuro (like the entire Kontact suite), so you’re probably better off with distro packages.
This may be because the apps couldnt work when not bundled together. Or just because.
how then do you actually access Merkuro? i just installed the kontact flatpak, but i have no idea on how to access it?
Proud to donate money to KDE every month. They do fucking amazing work
Neochat looks even more amazing than before
Is there any chance that Merkuro will get a flatpak in the near future?
Oh ripping cds was my last use case for k3b :( I’ll check out Audex but why does it specifically say CD-ROM multiple times on the site? https://apps.kde.org/de/audex/ Is it not for regular, pressed audio cds? (CDDA) Why would I need it for a CD-ROM?
@SigHunter Huh, well I can report that I have used Audex for many regular pressed audio CDs I purchased, and it never has a problem ripping them.
My best guess is that whoever wrote the website was a little careless and used “CD-ROM” as a generic term for any kind of CD. 🤷
nice, that’s what I thought
soo. where can i install the Merkuro stuff for Kubuntu?
edy: well, how can i download the installer, or the repo?