A downtown Toronto walk along Queen Street West to Simcoe Street, then south down to a new (and disappointing) plaza at the Harbourfront Centre that replaced…
Why on earth is this 43 minutes.
He kinda gives a tour of downtown. At the end he shows the new plaza.
Timestamp: The “Disappointing new Harbourfront Plaza” is at 40:13.
It’s a hockey rink-sized concrete-brick patio with some greyscale variety in stone colour to create visual appeal.
It’s described by the narrator as the cheapest possible replacement for a skating rink that’d fallen into disrepair due to inadequate maintenance. He says that fairs/festivals could make good use of the space but there’s a lack of greenery. He concurs with an anonymous redditor’s description of it as a useless grey concrete space.
I wouldn’t say I’m disappointed. Some more greenery would be nice. But I think it pretty practical. It sounds like there’s a shortage of funds to invest in the space and I hope it is used for many community events