Price of a domestic stamp in a booklet, coil or pane would rise to 99 cents

Canada Post is proposing to increase postage rates in 2024. For stamps purchased in a booklet, coil or pane, which represent the majority of stamp sales, the rate would increase by seven cents, to 99 cents per stamp.

The new rates would take effect May 6, 2024.

Permanent stamps will always be accepted at the current domestic postage price.

The proposed rate changes would also affect other products, including U.S., international letter-post and domestic Registered Mail items. The price of a single stamp for a domestic letter (30 grams or less) would increase from $1.07 to $1.15. When purchased in a booklet, coil or pane, the price would increase from 92 cents to 99 cents per stamp.

  • corsicanguppy
    11 months ago

    Good point. Mailposte is very reliable even if it sometimes isn’t speedy. I didnt even realize that I never really wonder whether it’s going to arrive. It just does.

    But I wonder how the rate changes track against inflation: are we rectifying a decade of artificial price throttling or are we just adjusting to inflation and costing?

    (Don’t gripe about labour costs: removing gig slaves from the equation puts mailposte’s union staff about 20% low ahainst comparable jobs, which is par for a union post.)