This was a collaboration with NoWaifuN0Laifu based on his design, where he wrote a character quest for ES Hozuki and imagined her as a crystal element hammer user - “I made ES Hozuki’s quest (feel free to use WFS)”. On a whim, I offered to draw his design for him.

You can see 2 other images on either link, a full-body view and the prototype designs:

You may have already seen this, but I thought I’d share it here on kbin since I deleted my posts on reddit.

This was kind of tricky for me because I had to improvise a lot on the design. I had a few prompts, like “beautiful black and purple kimono”, but they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that was five words. So I had to research what kimonos are like, and learn about cultural things like don’t draw the right side over the left, because you only do that for dead people, etc. I watched a video where someone showed how they put on a kimono. They’re really complicated to wear, but interesting nonetheless.

Looking at it now, there were some things I wish I fixed, but by then I wanted to be done!

One thing I wanted to mention is that in this drawing, I tried out the bloom effect where you imitate the way light bleeds when you use a physical camera. It tends to make things look softer and more full of light. You’ve probably seen it in anime here and there, or video games. I didn’t know how it was done and always wanted to imitate that look, so it was intriguing to try. I couldn’t do it too much in this piece though, because I already abused applied glow dodge to a lot of the drawing and it would have made everything look too washed out. If you’re interested in how to do it with Clip Studio Paint, You can see this tutorial video by Manu Mercurial (timestamped at 11m14s).

  • niantre@kbin.socialOP
    1 year ago

    Here’s a preview for something I’ve been working on recently, but I haven’t had time to work on it because of real life stuff. So it may be a while before I finish this one. (this image preview is cropped. you need to click on it to see the whole picture)

      1 year ago

      He is one of the more beautiful characters in the entire game imho - especially his AS form with all of its glorious coloration (okay, can you tell that was my very first 5-star? thus, I might be a tiny bit biased here…:-D)

      People on Reddit would say things like “so much more attention is paid to the women than the men”, and he would always be my response to that! They DO lean towards female on the gacha mechanics ngl, but they do have beauty all around.

      Anyway, I do so look forward to seeing this in its complete state. Please feel no pressure at all to hurry - take time to do it RIGHT!:-D

    1 year ago

    Oh man. Always a pleasure to see your work. There’s just so much emotion in it. I love the feeling of anticipation in the Shion preview. So good.

    1 year ago

    The EFFORT that you put in is the best part! So many “don’t sweat the details”, but as you imply, they really make or break the final product!

    I am no artist, so I cannot like “critique” your work or anything, but I do appreciate talent across any spectrum, and I am always impressed by your final products.

    In this case, she came out a lot more calm than I would have expected Hozuki to be. Probably it is her ES form, having finally surmounted all of the obstacles that were formerly in her way and now she sits relaxed as the conqueror. :-)

    • niantre@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      Thank you! It’s always gratifying to see someone appreciate the effort that went into a piece. I remember watching a video about the making of Toy Story 4 and was blown away by how many tiny details they put into the movie. I thought it was excessive at the time, but realize now those little things can have an impact on the impression of the viewer.

      I don’t think every piece needs to be excessively detailed or refined to be enjoyable. But I think it can help when wanting to “sell” an idea to an audience, especially if you want to convey something beautiful, serious, weighty, or emotional, etc. In this case, I wanted to convey NoWaifuN0Laifu’s enthusiasm of an ES Hozuki design to the viewer, like adapting something from one medium (writing) to another.

      I am no artist, so I cannot like “critique” your work or anything

      Well, sure you can. People on the internet do it all the time! I like to think of myself as someone who does art rather than someone who is an artist. And I think there is more art in people than they think they’re capable of. A lot of it involves practice, muscle memory, and learning than “some people are artists, and others are not”. A lot of very good artists have shared their journey and showed that their drawings were not good at all at first, but had the desire to make art. When I first lurked on the AE subreddit, I remember herzig_zag sharing one of their early works and saying they weren’t as good when they first started. That encouraged me and gave me a little push to draw AE fanart as well! So people who don’t consider themselves as artists can find that they’re capable of making art.

      That being said, of course not everyone has the time or interest to get into drawing. But sometimes valuable critique can come from anyone with an aesthetic appreciation. Sometimes you lose objectivity after working on something for a while, or if it’s something personal, it can miss something essential to be an effective visual. It’s just that critiques are always easier to take when done nicely :)

      In this case, she came out a lot more calm than I would have expected Hozuki to be.

      I kept thinking “ara ara” while making this to hopefully impart some of that energy. Then I thought her expression was a bit too lewd so I toned it down a little. But I like your explanation better :)

        1 year ago

        Brace yourself: to some extent, you are what you do. Someone who has a job as a “teacher” or “doctor” or “scientist” or “engineer” etc. may not have their heart in it, but that becomes who they are (to some degree), when they invest time into learning how to do it right. And then into perfecting their craft, moving through the various levels like novice, professional, whatever.

        I remember hearing about the Game of Thrones TV series - I never watched a single episode, b/c people described it for what it was: a cash grab, where they seemed to care less about their craft and more about finishing on-time & under-budget, and in that show about dragons & swords & magic (or whatever, again I did not watch it so I do not know!:-P), they even had a modern car driving down a road in the background of one scene, a starbucks coffee cup in another, a plastic water bottle in still more, it was just REALLY poorly done. In comparison, series such as Breaking Bad are just CRAFTED so much more excellently, that they really stand apart. One is a true work of art, the other is a mere TV show. It is good to aim to set your work apart from those who DGAF, even if you unlike them do not have a multimillion-dollar (or whatever) budget and a whole team of hundreds (to thousands) of people working on the project.:-(

        And speaking of art, people “criticize” all the time, but a true “critique” I view as something else - the latter is something you outright welcome when it comes your way, a work unto its own:-). Like even a negative critique I would guess, delivered from a true master of the craft, could be more welcomed than a strongly positive low-end & empty gesture of support (like: “you missed an opportunity there to truly convey the dual essence of the tension between the…”, vs. just “me likey!”:-P).

        I wanted to say more about my own thoughts about myself as an artist, but I guess I’ll put in a separate comment.

        • niantre@kbin.socialOP
          1 year ago

          well you do make a good point about your actions forming part of who you are.

          to clarify, i think more what i disagreed with was the reverse of that idea where people have the mentality that since they decided that they have a fixed identity or potential, they lack the ability to do something.

          so for example, rather than saying:

          • i do “X”, therefore I am “Y” as my identity

          some people might say:

          • I am “Y” or not “Z”, therefore it’s a foregone conclusion and I don’t have the potential for “X”

          I disagree with it to some degree because a lot of disciplines, in my opinion, have a greater weight on motivation and effort than necessarily talent alone (i’m excluding certain fields like say where certain inborn traits like height is a dominating factor of success in basketball, for example). people always want a magic answer to success and the disappointing answer is that hard work is involved in most cases. (yes, networking plays a huge role in some fields, but at some point your work has to stand on its own merit). and pointing to geniuses in any field as a way to say you’re unqualified to do something, i think is not useful because there are geniuses in every field who trump the rules. but they’re statistical anomalies, so why base universal principles around exceptions?

            1 year ago

            That much is all so true, yes! Like someone who works a job as a teacher and who goes through the motions all day long every day, may not be a “teacher” actually, despite their career. Or speaking of things like nepotism, the bosses nephew may be the “manager”, who nonetheless never manages to get around to actually managing anything at all… Those who do not seek to perfect their craft - they are in it for the rewards they can extract from such, while someone who seeks to do it regardless (although I mean… you do gotta eat, and pay rent:-D), that to me seems a true “craftsman”. Talent is a whole other dimension (you can do something a lot and yet not be good at it, yet), as is enjoyment (you can do a really good job despite not having fun with it), but ultimately we came down to the same underlying point: if you don’t actually put in the effort to DO something, then how can someone say that they ARE such? Effort is what makes the dream turn into reality.

        1 year ago

        Part 2 after the other comment, or kinda on its own, whatever.

        I do not really do “art” in the traditional sense of painting or sculpture or literature or such. Although I do try to consider the aesthetic aspects of something, like a long time ago before I got sucked into moderating children’s arguments on Reddit I made this picture. It is more engineering than artwork since arguably its primary aim was to functionally convey some information, although especially as I was gearing it up into an entire series I paid attention to the visuals as much as I could, the coloration, fonts, especially readability, and what each & every single line and circle and mark on the page meant & was intended for, and the information is easily conveyed by other means, so the visual format itself was what I meant to be “artistic”. I liked how you could immediately & visually see the aspects that I wanted to convey: that Type > non-Type damage despite the modifier numbers shown (210% non-Type does maybe 60% less dmg than 200% Type), that 1-enemy does a lot more focused damage than all-enemies (I mean, on the one hand that’s duh, but also… if they both say “XL” then what does that really mean?), etc. That series never materialized unfortunately - it turned into a toxic fight that never did end really (especially as it morphed into me daring to acknowledge that Altema’s website so much as exists and thereby earning the ire of the entire discord game community), where e.g. Bamiji outright told me to not make guides for the community, b/c I said that magic does not (inherently) crit… which looking back I find odd b/c magic actually does NOT inherently crit so that was… a weird thing to cite as a reason. But anyway I acceded seeing as how I really was a newbie especially at the time (plus I do go through the game really slowly, as I was grinding Otherlands prior to unlocking grastas), and it did make more sense to more humbly bow out rather than force my thoughts onto an unwilling community, especially since they so desperately needed a mod and that was more important. But anyway, I did want to develop more those artistic aspects further, in making guides or damage illustrations or similar thoughts.

        And so I did, e.g. see this image, which is obviously not fit for human consumption, but it does tell a computer how to implement my will and build things such as the project I’ve been working on lately at I want to make a table that will help explain to newer players how Poison & Pain works, and like what factors to look out for (enemy targets: AoE vs. ST etc., duration: persistent vs. fixed-turns vs. unreliable, battle phase: battle start vs. preemptive vs. normal skill vs. delayed vs. VC, etc.). Before that I made the grasta boxes at, and so on, that is my “art”. Like painting or sculpting, except my medium is to get the computer to cough up something vaguely recognizable and hopefully uselessful, which in the language of MediaWiki encoding is no easy task. It lacks the clean lines (and curves!) of a full-on actual piece of art, but in its own way it manages to convey an aesthetic, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, even as it serves its more primary intended purpose. I find data visualization beautiful, whatever that makes me.:-)

        • niantre@kbin.socialOP
          1 year ago

          well, what you touched on, data visualization, is both art and science, as it can be subjective about the “best” or most appealing way to present quantitative information. there can also be human psychology / cognitive science involved as well. humans grasp horizontal space better than vertical space, or humans can’t interpret or compare sections of pie charts effectively. and even, you could argue what is the best visual representation of certain types of data (histogram, box plot, bar chart, scatter plot, etc.)

          for example, one of the widely accepted pioneers or authorities on data visualization is Edward Tufte in his book called “The Visual Display of Quantitative Information”. one of his examples is redesigning the bar chart. now i’m not an authority in any field, but i don’t really like his final result of simplifying the bar chart or find it effective since it removed a bit too much information. obviously he has some very good ideas, but since it is partly art, i think there is room for discretion on what parts of his principles to use in one’s own data visualization.

          at the end of the day, data visualization is trying to make a point through storytelling, and storytelling is an art. so for people interested in quantitative or scientific fields, sure i can see how there is a great need and use for art and sense of aesthetics when presenting data to viewers. on mastodon, i also see people posting art produced through mathematical means (let’s say for example, mandelbrot sets). people tend to develop a sort of awe at the elegance and simplicity of mathematical expressions like maxwell’s equations. if you study drawing, a lot of what we consider beauty is at its core about symmetry and proportions. “beautiful” human beings are considered that way because of specific proportions and symmetry. we also often regard simplicity in art as beautiful, whether that’s through simplification of line, value, composition, etc. because of our attraction towards order on some level. and the rule of thirds in photography composition is about proportion, likewise the golden ratio found in nature finds its way into renaissance art. anyway, what i mean is, i do think there is indeed art and beauty to be found in the scientific and quantitative world, and there is an overlap because the artistic world is more quantitative than most people might think.

          in regard to the community response to Altema and other things, such a strong response to some of those discussion topics is a little perplexing to me, honestly, and it’s unfortunate you had to run across it. but i appreciate your contributions to the wiki and helping to explain some of those more convoluted mechanics in the game!

            1 year ago

            I had never heard the guy’s name, but yes I am familiar with the principle. Ironically in the example you showed, there are no error bars, plus how could there be a “graph” in a peer-reviewed statistical journal that lacked any sort of axis markers such as the 1st and 3rd ones did? I think the principle is actually quite solid, at least as it was explained to me: take out whatever UNNECCESSARRY elements that you can (hehe, see what I did there? oh uh, I mean ah, yeah, on purpose, totally… :-P), when they do not add to the end product. On the other hand, if the difference between like 16% vs. 18% is crucial, then yes you should have a horizontal line or even better some major highlighting of that fact. Ultimately, the graph should convey the readers’ intention, and the intention should not be “my teacher told me to do it or I’d fail the class”:-P So if normally the difference b/t 16% vs. 18% is merely within the margin of error, then it becomes preferable actually to remove the horizontal lines, b/c in that case what do they add? Even the difference b/t 14% vs. 16% in that example would show up b/c of the white line, but that would be a side-effect whereas the real intention would be to make it more obvious that they occur in “blocks” of 5 - so like 9% is a block and most of another block, while 12% is two blocks plus a bit, and so on. At that point, the fewer “distracting elements”, maybe the better, b/c the average reader gets easily … ah… what was I saying again? :-D

            But yes, you do have to apply the principles, not just “me likey so me do”, but like, THINK about what it is that you are doing, and what you are trying to accomplish by adding it. So in my earlier example, why did I have TWO horizontal lines separating the header from the lower portion? It was b/c “it just looked better”, although if I had to articulate why I would say it was that the horizontal error bars off to the right looked similar, so having the separator bar be double-lined helped distinguish it. And yet I did like having the bar to distinguish the above as a “header” describing the text blocks below it - as opposed to simply leaving the space entirely blank. Along similar lines, I said the full three words “generic damage type” in it instead of merely “damage type” that naively seems like that could have worked just as well if not better? However, I chose to attempt to convey that some characters use “nonstandard damage”, e.g. Violet’s Combo Attack and Sword Dance both have non-generic mechanics to think about, but those S/M/L/XL were just the beginning, and even then not always followed, e.g. 4★ Tsubame’s “Twin Snakes” attack does a whopping 300% damage, despite it saying “x2 (S)” and normally an S attack would be 150%, so like 75% per each of the two hits. Eventually I wrote the latter examples into a text-only guide, a year later, but I was already thinking along those lines with that graphic.

            So I like what you said about it being a form of storytelling - yeah, that’s it. If the story is better without that fluff, then remove it, but ofc if it is somehow relevant, then by all means keep it. Just be intentional about it either way - show some loving “craftsmanship” either way:-).

            1 year ago

            About those responses: I went onto the Discord to try to find the root of the issue and perhaps explain myself better. What I found there… convinced me that it was a futile undertaking. There are certain individuals who enjoy showing screenshots of my words, but they “artfully” position the cropping so that it (conveniently?) leaves out certain portions that are CRUCIAL to understanding the whole. And in the one case that they could not do that - b/c what I said was sandwiched b/t two texts that if anyone had so much as glanced at either of them, would make the entire thing make sense - they simply put false words into my mouth entirely. Then there are others who are eager to become “triggered” by that, and so they came to Reddit all full of bluster and bluff to defend what they considered righteous and good - and in that sense, they even mean well? Though they never did bother to read my ACTUAL wording - which they claimed was too long & boring - and yet with the echo chamber in full blast, they felt 100% confident in declaring to me that I had said such & such (which I never did), and that I was so and so (hrm… maybe?), and I was a threat to the community’s existence somehow - all the while entirely ignoring how I would repeatedly put out calls for other moderators to PULEASE take over, but nobody would step up to take on the job (when I started, I assumed that I would be working underneath Bamiji even?), and true to my word, the SAME WEEK that we got a reliable second one (so as to not abandon someweirdo237 all on his lonesome), I left the job. Some might argue that proves that I was not power-hungry after all… but only if facts are relevant to the conversation?

            Anyway, I think there’s no point digging into that well of desperation & sadness (but in case you really wanted to, here is a recent example, where they accused me of having removed grasta tiers from the entire wiki, despite the fact that if they had clicked the link I shared it is in the VERY FIRST COLUMN, as in the number right after the colored text, prefaced with a T!? as it still was back then too e.g. see this screenshot shared in a comment from the same post) - one may as well ask why the USA had a coup attempt on January 6 a couple years ago (the backstory is eerily similar - people trying to “defend the constitution”, meanwhile also admitting that they had never, in fact, so much as read the actual thing, despite it being a remarkably short document).

            The TLDR is easy enough to grasp: some people like drama, period. They do not fall to it as a last resort when all else has failed, but rather seek it out as it is their goal. I do not choose to visit “those places”, b/c they are not enjoyable to me. Although the people there seem not content to remain there, and instead come out to find me, as a result of conversations that occur there. I cannot help them find enlightenment merely by offering the TRUE FACTS of the situation - no amount of evidence will sway their already-made-up minds - they are too far gone.

            such a strong response to some of those discussion topics is a little perplexing to me, honestly

            This just goes to show how blessedly innocent you are! You cannot understand the mindset of that filth, b/c you are so far removed from it that it makes zero sense to you. If you visited the dick-sword community though, then you would understand… personally I do not think it worth the price of admission, but if you really wanted to, you could do it? :-P As for myself, I will just move on (or at least try to, but it keeps coming back to me - the more so that I try to help the community by offering guides & template encoding & such, the more attention it draws, and suddenly I now understand why there are no good politicians, b/c the good ones are literally killed off, leaving us with what’s left, sadly).

            • niantre@kbin.socialOP
              1 year ago

              If you visited the dick-sword community though, then you would understand…

              LOL. Ahahaha, sorry that phrase is so funny. (I’m not laughing at you, by the way) Sounds like a very naughty Minecraft guild. “You there, knave! Show us you sword! Whip it out, we’re going to compare! Ughh… not that one… bah!”

              Anyway, moving on sounds best. When arguments aren’t made in good faith, there’s no understanding to be reached. I guess when I said “perplexing” I was being euphemistic. But it’s still sad to encounter such hostility from strangers over the internet nonetheless. Reading that comment thread, a lot of comments were positive too.

                1 year ago

                I believe I first saw it on that actual community, talking about itself:-).

                The truly sad part is how such things hinder the progress of a community. The previous mod UltimateHalo got so upset that he not only left, but deleted his Reddit account entirely. People cannot so easily move things forward when there is such tremendous back-lash against anyone who speaks out at all. Like grastas had been introduced into the game already for TWO WHOLE YEARS before I added them to the dungeon pages as items you could obtain - and I had barely beaten main story part 2 and gone to Underworld for the very first time, so I was not the best-positioned to do that, and instead rather the only one willing. The TTM is not explained well, the new Tactical Battle system does not have any page at all that does more than merely mentioning that it exists, and so on - “we” as a community are turning people away, as those who used to help naturally move on and get busy irl but nobody wants to engage with that toxicity and take up the slack.

                And there are now ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FOUR characters in the game!!! Surely not everyone is going to be so fortunate as to be able to pull AS Pizzica, Yakumo, Sesta, ES Toova, AS Lovely, Beautiful Stranger and so on, nor will newer players be able to unlock AS Cerrine right away, and characters are getting so VERY COMPLEX these days!! I really wish that “we” all could do something about that, but there is too much resistance to be able to make major structural changes.

                My latest beef is how the wiki tier list says that various characters can “guarantee” Pain, e.g. Deirdre says:

                Can inflict guaranteed Pain on all enemies, but without a fixed duration.

                But it is not a “guarantee” anymore, b/c of status immunity barriers. That list was a nice try to make things more accessible, at one point in the past, but it is not for everyone, and it needs tinkering to help keep it up with the modern game. It works best for people who have beaten the game already and are transitioning into superboss battling (and even then there are major systemic issues - a lot of vets ignore it entirely actually), but for things like 1TnoAFs as you farm Clarte or Nona’s dungeon >1000 times for L/S, it is less than ideal. Moreover it does not consider the basic foundational concepts of the game, like what is a Lunatic, is there anyone who can modify a Lunatic, like extend it or (re-)activate it, etc.? So I created a Lunatic page for the former question, and last night tried to expand it to address the latter one but as usual ran into Template size limitation issues (maybe I can split it up like skills for character names A-M and then N-Z, or something). Thus I will have to postpone that project until I have caught up with the poison/pain page that explains like which characters apply it to all enemies vs. single target or random, whether it ignores resistance or not, how long it lasts (persistent, fixed-turn duration, or unreliable), whether it is delivered via an attack (and thus can trigger a reaction such as a counter-attack) or not, etc. Anyway, I can do what I can do, but there is nothing that I can do about the misunderstandings that will result from calling something a “guarantee” and then people see that it does not work.

                Nor can I entice people to enter into the game and the community when they see that THAT is what awaits them, especially if they want to offer their help in making guides or wiki editing, or even just submitting their created content to the community for inspection. You remember a certain incident with clamb0… that stuff has a way of driving people away.

                • niantre@kbin.socialOP
                  1 year ago

                  The truly sad part is how such things hinder the progress of a community. The previous mod UltimateHalo got so upset that he not only left, but deleted his Reddit account entirely.

                  Damn, god damn it. That’s just sad. I want to take a second to remember UltimateHalo (well it’s not like they’re dead in real life but a human connection is lost forever because they left no trace after leaving). I appreciate all their work as a mod, because it personally made a real difference they did to damage control the drama going on at the time, which I think would have otherwise made more people leave if left unchecked. So I’m glad you stepped down for your own wellbeing and are still around. Although I can totally understand why UltimateHalo left and maybe that’s for the best for them, because really they’re choosing their own happiness and can focus on their own life. Part of being healthy is knowing when to say goodbye to a relationship that’s no longer working.