This was a collaboration with NoWaifuN0Laifu based on his design, where he wrote a character quest for ES Hozuki and imagined her as a crystal element hammer user - “I made ES Hozuki’s quest (feel free to use WFS)”. On a whim, I offered to draw his design for him.

You can see 2 other images on either link, a full-body view and the prototype designs:

You may have already seen this, but I thought I’d share it here on kbin since I deleted my posts on reddit.

This was kind of tricky for me because I had to improvise a lot on the design. I had a few prompts, like “beautiful black and purple kimono”, but they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and that was five words. So I had to research what kimonos are like, and learn about cultural things like don’t draw the right side over the left, because you only do that for dead people, etc. I watched a video where someone showed how they put on a kimono. They’re really complicated to wear, but interesting nonetheless.

Looking at it now, there were some things I wish I fixed, but by then I wanted to be done!

One thing I wanted to mention is that in this drawing, I tried out the bloom effect where you imitate the way light bleeds when you use a physical camera. It tends to make things look softer and more full of light. You’ve probably seen it in anime here and there, or video games. I didn’t know how it was done and always wanted to imitate that look, so it was intriguing to try. I couldn’t do it too much in this piece though, because I already abused applied glow dodge to a lot of the drawing and it would have made everything look too washed out. If you’re interested in how to do it with Clip Studio Paint, You can see this tutorial video by Manu Mercurial (timestamped at 11m14s).

  • niantre@kbin.socialOP
    1 year ago

    If you visited the dick-sword community though, then you would understand…

    LOL. Ahahaha, sorry that phrase is so funny. (I’m not laughing at you, by the way) Sounds like a very naughty Minecraft guild. “You there, knave! Show us you sword! Whip it out, we’re going to compare! Ughh… not that one… bah!”

    Anyway, moving on sounds best. When arguments aren’t made in good faith, there’s no understanding to be reached. I guess when I said “perplexing” I was being euphemistic. But it’s still sad to encounter such hostility from strangers over the internet nonetheless. Reading that comment thread, a lot of comments were positive too.

      1 year ago

      I believe I first saw it on that actual community, talking about itself:-).

      The truly sad part is how such things hinder the progress of a community. The previous mod UltimateHalo got so upset that he not only left, but deleted his Reddit account entirely. People cannot so easily move things forward when there is such tremendous back-lash against anyone who speaks out at all. Like grastas had been introduced into the game already for TWO WHOLE YEARS before I added them to the dungeon pages as items you could obtain - and I had barely beaten main story part 2 and gone to Underworld for the very first time, so I was not the best-positioned to do that, and instead rather the only one willing. The TTM is not explained well, the new Tactical Battle system does not have any page at all that does more than merely mentioning that it exists, and so on - “we” as a community are turning people away, as those who used to help naturally move on and get busy irl but nobody wants to engage with that toxicity and take up the slack.

      And there are now ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FOUR characters in the game!!! Surely not everyone is going to be so fortunate as to be able to pull AS Pizzica, Yakumo, Sesta, ES Toova, AS Lovely, Beautiful Stranger and so on, nor will newer players be able to unlock AS Cerrine right away, and characters are getting so VERY COMPLEX these days!! I really wish that “we” all could do something about that, but there is too much resistance to be able to make major structural changes.

      My latest beef is how the wiki tier list says that various characters can “guarantee” Pain, e.g. Deirdre says:

      Can inflict guaranteed Pain on all enemies, but without a fixed duration.

      But it is not a “guarantee” anymore, b/c of status immunity barriers. That list was a nice try to make things more accessible, at one point in the past, but it is not for everyone, and it needs tinkering to help keep it up with the modern game. It works best for people who have beaten the game already and are transitioning into superboss battling (and even then there are major systemic issues - a lot of vets ignore it entirely actually), but for things like 1TnoAFs as you farm Clarte or Nona’s dungeon >1000 times for L/S, it is less than ideal. Moreover it does not consider the basic foundational concepts of the game, like what is a Lunatic, is there anyone who can modify a Lunatic, like extend it or (re-)activate it, etc.? So I created a Lunatic page for the former question, and last night tried to expand it to address the latter one but as usual ran into Template size limitation issues (maybe I can split it up like skills for character names A-M and then N-Z, or something). Thus I will have to postpone that project until I have caught up with the poison/pain page that explains like which characters apply it to all enemies vs. single target or random, whether it ignores resistance or not, how long it lasts (persistent, fixed-turn duration, or unreliable), whether it is delivered via an attack (and thus can trigger a reaction such as a counter-attack) or not, etc. Anyway, I can do what I can do, but there is nothing that I can do about the misunderstandings that will result from calling something a “guarantee” and then people see that it does not work.

      Nor can I entice people to enter into the game and the community when they see that THAT is what awaits them, especially if they want to offer their help in making guides or wiki editing, or even just submitting their created content to the community for inspection. You remember a certain incident with clamb0… that stuff has a way of driving people away.

      • niantre@kbin.socialOP
        1 year ago

        The truly sad part is how such things hinder the progress of a community. The previous mod UltimateHalo got so upset that he not only left, but deleted his Reddit account entirely.

        Damn, god damn it. That’s just sad. I want to take a second to remember UltimateHalo (well it’s not like they’re dead in real life but a human connection is lost forever because they left no trace after leaving). I appreciate all their work as a mod, because it personally made a real difference they did to damage control the drama going on at the time, which I think would have otherwise made more people leave if left unchecked. So I’m glad you stepped down for your own wellbeing and are still around. Although I can totally understand why UltimateHalo left and maybe that’s for the best for them, because really they’re choosing their own happiness and can focus on their own life. Part of being healthy is knowing when to say goodbye to a relationship that’s no longer working.

          1 year ago


          BTW, LOVE your new icon, seems a tad bit familiar!:-D

          I wonder how many others were forced out as well. Like there was one person who went to the effort to make a damage calculator who did not enjoy hitting their head against that brick wall and so left the community a few months later. Someone else also made another implementation of that, so the effort seems to not be appreciated, but it bothers me that there is so much more that could be done on the wiki and in terms of resources that could help players, yet this community keeps chasing away the “content creators” who actually make it happen (again… that certain incident with clamb0 comes to mind…). Like a few days ago someone offered to help me edit a wiki page, and after a back-and-forth toxic fight where some random person jumped in who seemed to have made an alt wiki account just for the purpose of telling me off (but as usual, not getting their facts straight first - do you realize that I would actually appreciate a critique that corrects something that I did and helps me change it from incorrect to valid? Voiddp does that for me, and I respect them mightily for it, but most others that seem to want to talk to me on the wiki… not so much), I have not heard from them and I am left wondering if they will ever contribute again after seeing such a “discussion”. If they left, it would not be the first time someone did so.:-(

          Which demeans us all, when there are only a handful of people willing to put up with that environment and contribute in the face of that kind of opposition.

          Whew, sorry for venting I guess - it does trouble me, but it is what it is. Probably I should contribute but withdraw from “discussions” about the content, which is what every other wiki editor seems to do. We cannot have such nice things as the ability to speak about the game, in places where toxicity rules the day:-(.