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    • PenguinTD
      6 months ago

      If it’s pub game I just throw the reinforcement toward where it makes sense to progress the mission. If host wants to kick me they can, but I am playing in ways that makes sense.

      Funny though, there are times where you joined a low level players trying to farm 7+ super samples, and they got wrecked mercilessly and quit left and right. Sometimes I am the only one left and still manage to finish the mission, just not extract successfully as my load out aren’t solo oriented. I know level are not the same as skill(my group have a couple new player that did really well at 7+), but the quit after dying 3 times still kinda hilarious when they see a 40+ can’t really carry them.(or bomb them out of necessity since their positioning is really bad.)

        • PenguinTD
          6 months ago

          My logic is if you can’t function without your gears, it is an issue bound to wreck a mission. It is why I started deviating away from meta before they were even nerfed. My logic is simple, if you really can’t do the mission without certain gear(that has long cool down), you simple can’t afford to make any mistake, even when some actions that was logical( like throwing a good air strike/500kg on yourself when you know you can’t get out, or have another squad member to throw you away/toward objectives to speed up mission while you kite the enemies away from them, maybe inevitably died due to overwhelming numbers. Those long cool down load out impede decision making process.

          And, once mistake happened and you are now short of 2 stratagem to work with for the next 4~8 mins, I really can’t justify that.