Well done on making the weekend. I guarantee that in 3-4 hours, when you’re on your 30th ‘Daddy can I?’ if the day you’ll be wishing you were at work.

Anyway. Thinking of making this a weekly thing. What do we think about that? A chance to let off some steam and generally just vent about our kids, the role of Dad or the wider world at large.

What’s grinding your gears in your world right now?

I’ve finally got my daughter’s party tomorrow. Despite handing out the invites some six weeks ago we’re still getting people who are accepting the invite (do these people not check their childrens bags?). I think we’ve got everything in order, but I won’t lie…I can’t wait for it to be over and done with. I’m stressed, Mummy is stressed, the entire endeavour has cost £300 all in and suddenly the offer of financial help from my parents blew away like the flame atop a birthday candle.

How’s your week been/going/expected to go

  • Bangs42@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    I get you, fellow father. Fortunately for everyone, I don’t do the cooking, but I do all the rest. And Mom has a talent for maximizing dish usage. I wouldn’t be surprised if she found a way to use a ladle in the process of making a cheese toasty.

    What helps me is to remember that I’m providing a clean, non-chaotic environment for my kiddos, and they’ll never have to experience the pitfalls of a chaotic home.