
How are you all doing?

Just a quick query, how do we add gifs in markdown? for some reason, the gif isn’t reflecting I used the same syntax given here.

Are any other solutions available?

  • Arthur Besse
    2 years ago

    it depends on what dialect of markdown and the configuration of the markdown renderer.

    in many places where you can use markdown, images are not allowed.

    here on lemmy the syntax in that guide works:

    ![lemmy logo](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/bbbd6f1e-4919-4571-b24f-4f345b1f6e82.png) produces

    lemmy logo

    Third-party images are also (at the time of writing, at least) allowed; ![wikipedia logo](https://en.wikipedia.org/static/images/project-logos/enwiki.png) renders as expected:

    wikipedia logo

    (if you don’t see a wikipedia logo here then maybe lemmy has changed this policy in the future.)

    (imo lemmy should actually not allow 3rd party images, because it provides a way for users to learn other users’ IP addresses…)