Does anyone find that they have an especially difficult period, mentally and emotionally compared to neurotypical women you know? Have you found anything that helps? Have you noticed a difference medicated for ADHD vs not medicated?

    1 year ago

    Before I got my ADHD diagnosis, I went to see my psychiatrist because I suspected I had PMDD, since I only had one week a month where I weren’t depressive and perhaps even a danger to myself. She agreed that I probably have PMDD, but she asked me to take an ADHD test, which is when I got my ADHD diagnosis. Even though PMDD isn’t an official diagnosis in Denmark, she still believed that I probably have it. How we figured out how to avoid my issues with PMDD was just by skipping my periods, by continuing taking my birth control pills without any breaks. This has done wonders for my mental health! No periods, no back aches, and no depressive episodes.