MotD Update

(Tysdagr) No intended publishes today. Goals for the week, 2 Evocati Publishes: We are currently still on plan to release a 3.23 Stability Playtest to Evocati on Wednesday (tomorrow) and goal to have a second Evocati Static Server Meshing test with jump gates enabled Friday. (Jump gates will be functional but full end visuals and gameplay mechanics are not a focus of this build and intentionally not integrated. Players will be autopiloted through the gate between star systems) 👾 PTU Currently Closed 3.22.1 has now been released to the LIVE environment! Read Notes here

For those who haven’t looked into Evocati testing before. Typically CIG will put out tests that are very much stripped down from what will actually be released to the public.

We’ve been down roads before where leaked patch notes led people to believe that some temporary solution for an evo test was the permanent long term solution… only for it to get fixed a week later.

It’s possible that T0 Jump Gates will release like this, but it’s also very likely that by the time we get 4.0 the Jump Gates will be much closer to the plans that they have already released.

  • QuadratureSurfer@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    Everything they show is fake.

    You realize you can play Star Citizen right now… right?

    And if they were faking it… why are we actually testing it this week?

    As far as innovative… show me any game where you can handle hundreds of players while being able to stand in one zone handled by one server, and shoot an object in a different zone handled by a different server.

    As far as I can tell every other game has to manage this with loading screens and you would not be able to interact with objects in a different server.

    • B1ackmath
      1 year ago

      I can play a janky barely passable tech demo. No one can do even 1/12th the things they advertise regularly with their fake BS videos and advertisement though. They are a scam company.

        1 year ago

        @B1ackmsth @QuadratureSurfer

        Curious, I can do 11/12th of the things they advertise. Can you be more specific?

        Granted, there are bugs, sometimes a patch corrects some, another one brings some back and add more. Some bugs make a specific mission unplayable, some are just an annoyance.

        11 months ago

        Something tells me you either haven’t played or haven’t played in the last few builds… The game is playable today, it’s got a long ways to go before it’s finished but it’s very playable and very fun.