CAMBRIDGE – NDP MPP Catherine Fife (Waterloo) met with seniors who have experienced spousal separation in Ontario’s Long-Term Care system today, pushing to bring the Till Death Do Us Part Act back to Queen’s Park committee for discussion and debate.

  • MarkG_108OPM
    2 years ago

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 (gcide) Till Till, prep. [OE. til, Icel. til; akin to Dan. til, Sw. till, OFries. til, also to AS. til good, excellent, G. ziel end, limit, object, OHG. zil, Goth. tils, gatils, fit, convenient, and E. till to cultivate. See Till, v. t.] To; unto; up to; as far as; until; – now used only in respect to time, but formerly, also, of place, degree, etc., and still so used in Scotland and in parts of England and Ireland; as, I worked till four o’clock; I will wait till next week. [1913 Webster]

         He . . . came till an house.             --Chaucer.

    [1913 Webster]

         Women, up till this
         Cramped under worse than South-sea-isle taboo.

    [1913 Webster]

         Similar sentiments will recur to every one familiar
         with his writings -- all through them till the very
         end.                                     --Prof.

    [1913 Webster]

    Till now, to the present time.

    Till then, to that time. [1913 Webster]