Today I had a Bible verse on my Masto timeline. And I know I shouldn’t care, but it made me so angry. Like the verse itself was nice and all, no doubt. But holy fuck. You can find so much bullshit in that book. Why don’t you quote that? You can’t just cherry pick the quotes you like best.

I can’t also go around and just quote random passages from Mein Kampf because they sound nice without the context.

I hate that so much. I always need to refrain from dropping Leviticus 21:18-21 or Timothy 2:12 or some other bullshit in the replies.

Sorry for the rant. Just needed to let it out somewhere.

    8 months ago

    @CodexArcanum I think the negative side of daoism is probably things like The Art of War. The bible is a collection of texts from different periods; if we made one for daoism it would definitely contain that.