From Tom Scott newsletter

It’s very, very rare that the first video from a new YouTube creator is good — or, frankly, anything more than embarrassing. Yet, somehow, Keith Sachs has managed it! He’s a maker, he’s steadily building an automated litter box for his cats, and this is part one of the story. I didn’t expect to watch all ten minutes of this, but the storytelling is great, to the point where I suspect Keith has more experience than the otherwise-blank channel would suggest! Yes, it’s a bit rough around the edges in places — there’s a couple of times where science explanations get a little lost in the weeds, and I’d recommend he pick a stage name that isn’t an allusion to profanity, because that feels like the sort of thing that gets awkward when your audience gets larger. But those quibbles aside: this is good! Back before reality TV stole the idiom, “x factor” referred to a certain unknown star quality, something indescribable that made people think “this person has potential”. Well, this channel has that “x factor”. (Thanks to an anonymous reader for sending this in.)