The dog tore off Ibrahim’s clothes and repeatedly bit him on the lower half of his body as he bled profusely. The attack continued for about three minutes before Israeli forces entered the apartment and removed the dog from Ibrahim. An ambulance brought Ibrahim to Rafidia Hospital in Nablus, where he is being treated for internal and external injuries.

  • IninewCrow
    5 months ago

    What the hell is going on in Gaza? Are the Israelis doing their absolute best to be as terrible as possible.

    The problem here is not so much that the Israeli government is doing this … half the problem is that the world is just standing idly by and allowing it all to happen.

    This is not a call to violence on anyone … violence of any kind for any reason will never solve anything, it will only perpetuate more violence.

    Our government in Canada should say and do more to persuade, negotiate, or sanction Israel to force them to stop … our government should encourage other governments to do the same.

    None of this should be happening … but the most disgusting thing about it all is that the entire world is just standing idly by and watching it all happen in front of them.

    It’s like seeing someone getting beaten on the street and having the police, by standers, officials, professionals, everyone just standing there looking at it as it happens and not saying a word, showing any protest or acting to try to stop it while the beating continues.