Anyone have any good information on using ublock origin with tor browser? Does it compromise my anonymity?

    3 years ago


    I think i didn’t explain myself because this is happened before.

    The point of the comments I wrote are not aimed to say “don’t use ad-blockers” or “don’t use Linux” and so on. What I’m trying to do is “fight” the misinformation spread by certain people about these topic.

    Now, while people should act according their own threat model, they should also be aware about the possible pro and cons about every software they eventually are going to use.

    I’m not an expert, but in my understanding privacy is not something you can easily achieve. Browser need to carefully develop actual features designed to protect users’s privacy, like Tor browser does.

    Installing a bunch of add ons aimed to “blocks ads & trackers” or *spoof user agent" will make you stand out more from the crowd.

    Then if you’re comfortable with that it’s up to you. Again, there is a big difference between be aware about something and then act accordingly and be in denial mode and accuse people to spread misinformation beside the reliable sources linked.

    I personally use ublock on my desktop browser because I don’t like to see a page filled with ads & tracker and I don’t care about stand out from the crowd.

    Please, let me now whether I made that clear or not.