Here’s a perennial favourite: what features would you like added to the Long Dark, or what features would you like to see simplified or removed entirely?

(This is a decathread because we are too small to have megathreads yet)

(This might end up being my own personal gripe thread, so buckle up)

  • Rob BosOPM
    2 years ago

    Awesome list, hard agree on most of this, lots of good QoL and simplifications. I love things that simplify gameplay, the charm of TLD is that it has (mostly) intuitive “physical” mechanics.

    • The cave wall thing is innovative, and could be an interesting sound design idea. Certainly less cheesy than putting down a bedroll and trying to “grope” your way out.

    • Being in BI right now, I’m super 110% power-tool on board with putting in a shortcut once you’ve done it once. Requiring a rope is a good thought that would add additional challenge and planning, I would have done it as a board you can push over or place or something.

    • I don’t see how car horns would work without electricity though. Maybe only during an aurora? Or maybe they’re air horns with pressure still remaining and you get a couple charges. It’d be nice to have some option when there’s a bear huffing around the vehicle you hid in.

    Speaking of vehicles: being able to turn around in vehicles to look behind the stupid car.

    Maybe one day I’ll go through this thread and curate a master list of ideas.

      2 years ago

      Yeah, I’m the same way. I’m happy with most of vanilla TLD because I can see how gameplay is balanced with intuitiveness, buuuuuut there’s something a bit silly about having 14 oil bottles that you can’t merge.

      I would have done it as a board

      Oh sure, like a board from that adjacent warehouse to the roof of the workshop? That could work, and it’d be easier to implement than a rope bridge.

      The gap between the main pier and the workshop has always bugged me: there’s no way a timberwolf couldn’t jump that gap, so maybe extend the gap some more as well?

      I don’t see how car horns would work without electricity

      I forgot about that, lol. XD

      I like the multiple uses idea. Maybe something like the flashlight wherein the aurora charges it up but there’s a limit? It could either be total usage or days since the aurora, which forces you to remember that detail. You’d want some sort of external indicator it was charged, but not headlights as in an aurora. If it was JUST the internal lights, would that be too subtle, or would that reward careful players?

      If it broke a timberwolf pack’s morale that could be lifesaving.

      I had another idea: customizable in game maps.

      I tend not to use the rock caches, since most of the time there are containers and landmarks everywhere, but the plethora of rocks to build the caches suggests another option: drawing trails. Click and hold both mouse buttons/3rd button and that indicates the beginning of a trail that either ends when you run out of rocks or when you release the button. Then it shows up on your map as a drawn line, letting you mark up your map in the way you tend to travel.

      Something like that would keep me from checking the wiki all the time…