Note that this is a version update (3.1.200), so make sure to update the app in order to access the update. And of course save up your keys for those Lovebird treatises!

  • Lovely Another Style (Lovebird) will be added, and her skill All-You-Can-Smack will add “Deploy Roaring Bash Stance”
  • Lokido NS (Titan) true manifest will be available (whoops, thanks for the correction!)
  • Super cute Lele set of cat equipment!
  • Compensation for the Nona shadow issue will be performed in this version - possibly not immediately, but look out for shadow in your gift box.
  • Stone sale running up to 13th July, making the next projected update 14th July (which should be the episode). The JP catch-up begins!
    1 year ago

    thanks for the announcement! im so behind on content, i think I’ll fall further behind with this new update schedule… ah well!

    • Zingarinha@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      Well, there’s no content in this one other than the manifest, so that should help, but it’s definitely worth catching up with the Apocryphas if you can for the free 5*s before that campaign ends (as per ).

      Aside from that, it’s always been the case that I really appreciate this game for the ability to play at our own pace. The flip side being that I enjoy the story too much to leave it sitting for long without doing it!

        1 year ago

        yes, I want to get that free 5*! so im going through the apocrypha now and just finished the story with ES mariel in it. i liked that one actually, I’m curious to know what other people think… i guess that could be a separate thread.

        but you’re right, it is refreshing to have the stories be self paced!

          1 year ago

          The ending of that one - I think it happens only after you beat the (non-Hard version of the) boss in Arat village - goes on for too long in most people’s opinions that I’ve heard, and mine:-). I’m glad I took a break before I started that, but I’ll save any other comments for that future thread!:-)

          • Zingarinha@kbin.socialOP
            1 year ago

            Oh yes, that scene was so long. Good, but whew. I was glad that the scene after finishing all 6 gives opportunities for breaks, and that’s generally been the case in AE, but clearly they wanted to push people through for this one.

              1 year ago

              What bothered me most about that is that I was trying to get down into the basement, and I was like “oh okay I need to go way out there but when I do, I want to see if I can combine multiple subquests into one trip…” So the whole time, I had that in the back of my mind that I wasn’t “ready” for it, I didn’t want it right then - I wanted to finish the other stuff, like with the bedsheet and whatever it was - and then I had to slog through all that and then remember to come back to all the rest. I just felt like that could’ve been better coordinated.

              But damn, chapter 6 was outstanding. My absolute favorite thing in the entire game was chapter 2 - across main story, mythos, everything - and chapter 3 was pretty neat as well:-). The Time-Twisted Maze is horrible though, and I dread having to finish Noahxis:-(.

              • Zingarinha@kbin.socialOP
                1 year ago

                TTM is absolutely what I do when I want to do something in AE, don’t feel like going as far as looking at fishing or superbosses, and want to mess around with fun characters who don’t generally get much of an outing. So it happens very occasionally, but I do enjoy it when I do go in. Although now that Lovely’s getting her AS, she no longer qualifies for my “cute but neglected” team. Not a problem, plenty of other candidates for that!

                Also, since we can now suspend a run at any time, I’m always leaving runs in progress and forgetting about them until I go to give Strawboy a reincarnation and am told that he’s stuck in the maze. Whoops!

            1 year ago

            So, no spoilers please, are the “true” ending bosses level limited or at full level? I’m having a lot of trouble with current meta enemies, and want to do the true endings, so I want to know what I’m getting into (and probably have to grind for…).

    1 year ago

    Thank you so much for sharing this! Especially I’m avoiding Reddit for the next month and especially this week to deprive it of my traffic so this is super-helpful:-).

    One correction: it’s Lokido’s True Manifest.

    I don’t know how to interpret all of this - Lovely and Lokido are like… good now, my entire world has turned upside down!? :-P I wasn’t in the game when he first came out and was good the first time, so this is brand-new for me.

    • Zingarinha@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      Whoops, thanks for pointing that out. That’s what I get for trying to put this together in a rush while I was at work :) Edited.

      Anyway, aside from posting actually correct info, let me know if there’s anything to tweak that would make these posts more helpful.

        1 year ago

        I dunno, I think - other than that extremely minor point ofc - you kinda nailed it!:-P Short, sweet, to the point. Hrm… maybe I should take cues from your style… :-)

      1 year ago

      @OpenStars LOL are you planning to come back there after a month?

      I’m getting more and more behind with this game cos I can’t stomach the grinding. I swear I spend more time doing fanarts than actually playing the game. Was excited about the main story and played it but I cannot beat the train boss WTF… so dropped it again.

      But anyway thank you @Zingarinha for the update. Lovely and Lokido wow. I’m glad they are getting some love.

        1 year ago

        Well I’m not leaving here, only deciding how much time to also spend there. I don’t want to abandon the community and I also wanted to help people realize that there are other alternatives i.e. here. Reddit is going to continue to get worse for sure. Also, I did not want to just leave Someweirdo237 bearing the major burden of modding, and while TomAto314 helpfully stepped up, I did want to check in to make sure they are doing okay even over the next month during my embargo (so I’ll do that on weekends while avoiding Reddit during the week to deprive it of >99% of my personal traffic).

        I just cannot stand Reddit’s CEO’s extremely disrespectful attitude towards customers and especially the volunteers who put forth enormous efforts to create, grow, curate, and otherwise lovingly watch over the communities that they “owned” - who he now just shoved aside and more or less took over, after explicitly promising that he would never do such a thing (the ToS states that the communities belong to those who made them and they are free to do as they please, until that power-mad abuser decided to reneg promises and do otherwise). I can’t reward that, and ofc no longer trust anything he says b/c he has revealed that he will do whatever he wants and that also is not okay.

        Also, Reddit can be somewhat toxic - but that only happens half of the time whenever you make either posts or comments:-) (/s b/c what else is there to do except read?:-). On the other hand, I could block people now:-).

        So I may be 99% here and 1% there after that?

        1 year ago

        Oh I forgot to add: I actually love the grinding, and decided to play the game as a completionist. I’m at 128 of 150 Rinde Sunfish even:-), and I haven’t even begun Main Story part 3 b/c I’m still farming all the non-repeatable rewards from Underworld and don’t want to move over to Omegapolis until I’m done with that. Jump nope broke me of that but in a minor way, Time-Twisted Maze gave me major pause so I’m mostly ignoring that (doing ~2 floor-4 runs per week, so REALLY slow progress), but most of the time I’ll make and upgrade fully every single piece of gear in the game, just taking it slow, at my own pace, and enjoying it better that way rather than feeling pressured to do anything.

        In the meantime I have Jade and Clarte at 255 already and Nona halfway. I’ve decided that I’ll do Saki next, b/c I absolutely love that fantastic music & artwork - for Jade it made me actively look forward to running his AD each time, whereas for Clarte it was super annoying to have to get all the materials in each run (for 3 sets of Lunar weapons) and even after that it winds & twists around, unlike Jade’s where you just go straight to the boss in a super-speed run. Especially with Enemy Encounter Down I think it would be more of a musical experience and I can just relax and enjoy the farming:-).

        It is a game - play it in whatever way makes it FUN for you!:-P

            1 year ago

            A lot of people do similarly actually, they just are not as vocal about it. Okay so not so much 150-clear fishing - that’s the insane part - but like making one of each gear, or not progressing forward in the story until fully completing everything else that came before it, I’ve heard from several that did those kinds of “challenge runs” of the game. :-)

            Though I’ll have a decision to make soon enough: what if I reach 150 Rinde Sunfish, before the month is up? Do I post that to here and there, or only here…? :-P

    1 year ago

    Yes they also are affected by the difficulty slider. They have… “interesting” mechanics and are among the most complex in the entire game, but the low-end versions, i.e. especially the non-“HARD” ones, have very low HP, so for the most part can be brute-forced. So any grastas and any halfway decent team at all can handle those. I did them all on the first try, without even any ores at all. Or depending on what Meta chars you have, might even be doable entirely without grastas. You can totally brute force those though, just to watch the True Endings. They are very nice and worth it, especially for the free 5-star chars, but also just on their own.:-)