When I search for something and open a Reddit post with recommendations, I might select some text (ex. the name of a recommended thing) and drag/drop them into the new tab area to look each one up.

Reddit blocks this when you are not logged in. I don’t want to be logged in, especially when I’m on incognito or a Firefox container since I’m shopping.

Here’s the source of the fix: https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/14h098f/reddit_desktop_embed_button/

Here is the specific UBlock Origin filter you can add (click the popup --> click the gears for Open the Dashboard --> My Filters tab)

www.reddit.com##+js(aeld, mousedown, isSelectionOutOfRange)
www.reddit.com##+js(aeld, mouseup, shouldShowButton)

  • OtterOPA
    10 months ago

    All these minor annoyances might push some people to make an account and use their app, but at some point we’re going to start seeing “Block reddit from search results” posts like we do with Pinterest and Quorra. Just need time to build up alternatives