People spend one-third of their lives asleep. What if employees could work during that time … in their dreams?

Prophetic, a venture-backed startup founded earlier this year, wants to help workers do just that. Using a headpiece the company calls the “Halo,” Prophetic says consumers can induce a lucid dream state, which occurs when the person having a dream is aware they are sleeping. The goal is to give people control over their dreams, so they can use that time productively. A CEO could practice for an upcoming board meeting, an athlete could run through plays, a web designer could create new templates—“the limiting factor is your imagination,” founder and CEO Eric Wollberg told Fortune.

Article (fuck your paywall)

Edit: someone else beat me to it, I cede to you my bruh

  • Luci
    10 months ago

    Nah, I’d rather die thanks.

      10 months ago

      That’s perfect, hook up the remote control electrodes before they’re cold. Nice, another zombie worker doing 20 hours of hard labour, 7 days a week. For gruel!

      Remember to go for the head, they’re not getting me - Dead or alive!