I’m using the ConbeeII stick on a RPi3 and recently a few of my zigbee devices has just dropped out of the zigbee network. Only battery powered devices from what I can tell. I can delete them and add them again, and then they work for some time, maybe hours, maybe days, but they all just stop reporting any status updates.

I thought perhaps updating ConbeeII to the latest firmware would help, but it appears it didn’t.

Anything I can do to fix this? Other than buying a new stick of a different brand?

  • CmdrShepard@lemmy.one
    2 years ago

    I went and bought some cheap USB extension cables to move both my zigbee and zwave sticks away from any other devices and out of the Pi ports directly. Definitely helped with something as I haven’t had quite so many zigbee issues since doing it.