Honestly, nothing beats Salmon!
Oh you meant alive /s
Gotta be a scalar because they look cool but I honestly don’t know to many fish species. I couldn’t find a pic of the scalars i used to own (one i cruely named “Sushi”) so here’s one from the net
Those are really pretty fish :)
Salmon is pretty GOATed. Every month I buy a salmon steak, season it and then sear it. It’s always delicious and it’s cheaper than a beef steak and likely healthier too.
Sparkling Gourami
Amazing little fish and the croaking noise they make is pretty cool too. Here is a video showing the croaking.
I love these little guys. Super shy though, so if you have anything else in the tank they just hide constantly.
I’m going to redo my Fluval Flex with nothing but sparkling gouramis and see if I cant get them out and about.
Very true. I had them with (tiny) chili rasboras and salt/pepper corydoras and and even then they would hide away most of the time. They are amazing fish to watch though if you have patience.
Huh, that is very neat. I like their deep blue eyes too.
It took me a couple months to realise it was the fish making noise and not the air pump…
I am very much into goldfish. I recently changed my 720 liter / 190gal into a goldfish tank and gave not regretted a sec There are many types of fancy goldfish that I like but ranchu and yuanbao are my current favourites
I love the ones with the googly eyes
Personally I am not too fond of the telescope variants Or the ones with the bubles eyes. Too fragile and the fish seem affected by them
Wow, the bottom one is basically just an orb x3
Try searching the net for Yuanbao goldfish. You’ll find some awesome examples. Then try ryunkin. They have taller bodies. Imo pearl scale golf balls and celestials is where the hobby has gone too far
Yeah, I’m not a fan of human intervention in animals. Humans breed for silliness, not what nature would do. I like fish species as they are in nature!
Honestly, I have 3
I loved my clowns. They hosted in some leather coral and were a blast.
Seahorses were amazing. I can’t understand how they survive in the wild, but were great in my Living room.
Rope fish were amazing in my cichlid tank. Would highly recommend
How difficult was it to take care of seahorses?
It was okay. Needed a specific species only tank, and unheated. Grew lots of Marco algae for hitching posts and pod hides. Had lots and lots of pods in there. The difficult thing is getting them to eat frozen mysis. Make sure you see them eat frozen before you buy.
They also are expensive and don’t live long. Definitely worth it though
I’m a novice, I think it might be a very long time before I start doing complex stuff like that. My pygmy corys and Otto catfish refuse to eat anything other than their tank algae so far, haha. They refuse to even sample sinking foods or stuff like softened spinach, which they purportedly go crazy for.
Always love a good ropefish, the jumping bastards
My fav fish I’ve owned is my pair of dwarf cichlids (apisto Agassizii Tefe Red Back). They’re so pretty and the male is very fun and interactive. It’s fun feeding them blood worms and stuff they’ll eat right out of you hand or tongs.
The blobfish because of it’s incredible beauty.
Yeah, deep sea creatures never look as pretty on the surface…
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Those fish are really cool! I remember back in the 00s (when our reefs were still doing okay!) when we went to Maui and saw the insanely colorful reefs with fish just like the Mahi Mahi swarming all over it. Massive sea turtles and other creatures, too. It looked almost fake, it was so colorful. I hope we continue to preserve places like that.
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The only place I’ve seen colors like that are in the (indie) fish stores where they have insanely good saltwater tanks. I hope that 1) we preserve them in nature. 2) we keep samples of as many species of corals, microfauna, and fish from areas like Florida, which are getting too hot to support reefs. To reseed in the centuries ahead when we have stabilized the climate.
Oh man dolphin is so fuckin good
My guppies are my favorite fish at the moment. They just breed like crazy and have crazy colors and patterns. It’s really fun seeing fresh batches fry hanging around inside of the plants. I only bought four of them from petsmart and now I have dozens of them.
I love your tank, excellent plant choice
Thank you!
Crimson-spotted Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia duboulayi).
I would post a photo but they are such lively buggers all my phone can do is blurry streaks.
The small fish are so fast, I have the same problem with my pygmy corys!
Old post, but oh well.
I loved my Skunk (Cleaner) Shrimp. He was my buddy for a few years before I moved and the tank perished while I was away.
Also my Painted Triggerfish. He was a rescue that we never thought would make it. He barged in front of a puffer that was eating frozen shrimp and got most of his tail bitten off above his barbs and hanging by a thread. He didn’t even stop eating! Then, before I could get him home to my tank from the store, he jumped out and fell between two 150gal setups and was on the floor flopping for over five minutes while we tried to wrangle him out with a loooonnnng net. He healed up and was just as voracious and curious as ever.
Wow! Long-lived fish!
Lake Tanganyikan shell dwellers!!! I sadly do not have any currently but hopefully one day.
I do love my Ember Tetras. Such an underrated fish and far more lively behaviour than I expected from such little fish. I figured they would be pretty dumb given their tiny brains but they have really fun interactions with each other.
They also pack a lot of colour for being so tiny (once they fully colour up).
I love the look of ember tetras! Someday, I’ll get a bigger tank, right now my tank is small enough that it really can only handle a small number of Corys and an Otto.
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They remind me of zebras :)