To my knowledge, the concept of “conservatism” is the will to conserve, preserve past values that are seen as superior. While I don’t agree with this either, this community has almost exclusively posts about fearing new things and trying to show them as evil. Evil migrants, evil new generations, evil new sexualities, whatever.
I do not see any “values” in it, only fear. Rejecting migrants is not based on morals or values that are rational, but on fear. Same for the rest. Which leads to the question, what is the point of this community? It does not lead to debate, people calling it out as fascism on one side (which is quite justified as the root ideas are seemingly identical) and the other side just saying that it’s wrong and that’s it. There’s no debate of values, as there are no values to debate about.
I do not agree with the concept of conservatism, and I couldn’t care less if this place is forever doomed to be downvoted in oblivion. But if you actually want to do something else than fear-mongering, even if you insist on talking about conservatism, then maybe it would be a good idea to refocus the community on actual ideas, and not the typical far-right speeches of hatred and fear that already flood a lot of media.
Of course I believe that it would be better to reconsider opinions that basically encourage the worst of humanity; but even aside from that, there is more to do than to replace every possibility of a conversation with the (stereo)typical “immigrants bad, jesus good, gays evil” speech.
You got ~11 downvotes. And only your original upvote is the one on it. I highly doubt that every single person who downvoted your comment was a leftist.
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You made an obviously false claim. I’m gonna call you out on that.
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Your anecdote is not evidence. And I cited the vote tally, which is verifiable unlike your anecdote.
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I didn’t say it was the bearer of truth. It’s basically an agree/disagree button. You said everyone agrees with you, but that’s obviously not true. You then moved to saying that all the conservatives agree with you. But the only upvote on your comment was your own. So that almost certainly isn’t true either.
I’d say it’s more likely true than false. This country has a long history of hating and mistreating minorities and such. And calling the cops isn’t going to help with people spitting at you, gawking, staring, or laughing.