The Up Side Down
I want to see the most impressive images of an upside down reality. From objects, to landscapes, or anything in between, what kinds of inceptions can you create.
extra credit
I’ve been trying to create an O’Neill Cylinder space habitat interior for a week now. Major kudos if you can can defy gravity with one of these. If you don’t know what an O’Neill cylinder is, watch this 3min render: or here is the wiki
- Follow the community’s rules above all else
- One comment and image per user
- Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
- Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning)
- Posts that are tied will both get the points
- The challenge runs for 7 days from now on
- Down votes will not be counted
At the end of the challenge each post will be scored:
- Most upvoted: +3 points
- Second most upvoted: +2 pointS
- Third most upvoted: +1 point
- OP’s favorite: +1 point
- Most unconformable: +1 point
- Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote): +1 point
- Prompt and workflow included: +1 point
The winner gets to pick next theme! Have fun everyone!
It took me a long time to actually come up with a decent submission. I wasn’t super clear what the theme is, and then once I came up with ideas I had a hard time actually generating what I wanted lol.
Here I was going for both the literal “upside down” aspect, and also Stranger Things “upside down” vibes.
I was really hoping that I could get the dude in the reflection to be removed or be different, but I couldn’t seem to get both that and everything else I wanted in the same image
MS copilot designer prompt
a man in a hazmat suit falls through a puddle into a spooky alternate reality. in contrast, the reflection in the puddle shows a cheerful metropolis. the man is still falling through the air. the scene is very surreal.
here are some other ideas I had
City built on the interior surface of a hollow earth. It would just NOT make the city upside down without anything below it but a glowing ball.

And a bit more figurative interpretation of theme: a world in where vampires donate blood instead of suck blood, but I couldn’t ever make it clear that’s what the vampire was doing

Also a stepford suburb where the townspeople were super serious about having you drink your milk. Idky but this was the first thing I thought of, but in the end I thought this was too far from the prompt

I like the vampire one. Looks like he is trying to steal blood from the patient who is unconscious.
He was supposed to be giving blood to the patient, but you’re right that’s what it looks like (which is why I didn’t use it 😭)
Edit Jake forgot to add prompt to 2nd place. The heck if I know how 1st ties get handled. Deathrace is my rule. first to post a #38 wins the opportunity - my rule… on the fly.
Thanks 😊 Let’s see who wins the race lol
Nice one.
I found this difficult too, but also very interestingly educational about what and how a model understands what it is trained on. It is one thing for a model to know what something looks like, but another thing entirely to understand it in altered context. Some models are better or worse at this kind of comprehension. Part of why I made this challenge was to see if I’m really missing any major models that are much more capable than any I have used, or perhaps other techniques I have not explored. Anyways, thanks for posting! Great image!
Yeah I’m not advanced enough with this lol. I just use either copilot, or wombo dream (it can make some nice fantastical landscapes, but it’s terrible at people). My familiarity with the different tools is really poor, I mean heavily on just being creative with my prompts and giving up on ideas that don’t work out lol