• Rentlar
    1 month ago

    It doesn’t seem like a big change to me, so long as you can just have it linked to your Steam account and nothing else.

    I’d mostly be upset if it breaks Linux compatibility or was a single player game (HD2 isn’t).

    E: Changed only to mostly

    • FiveMacs
      431 month ago

      And the people that bought it but can’t get PSN accounts? Do they get a refund (HAHAHAHAH) or are they just fucked?

      It’s a huge change even if you can’t grasp it.

      Enough demanding accounts for everything.

      • Rentlar
        1 month ago

        I think those people that will no longer be able to play it, because Sony doesn’t let them do the thing that they now require, deserve refunds. I will leave a negative review when the update drops if they don’t, despite really enjoying this game, because it’s not fair to those who bought it and will be locked out. If they can make it such that you can have a placeholder Sony account that can’t access all PSN features, for the sole purpose to play this and other Sony games on Steam, that anyone in the world can access, that would be an acceptable compromise to me.

        I understand EULA and account creation fatigue. It’s just that it’s not the accounts themselves that are the worrisome part of the change for me is what I’m saying. If it’s for specific reasoning (console crossplay), is unobtrusive, and maintains access for existing Steam purchasers then I don’t have a real problem. If they use it to limit people’s access that’s where I have a problem.

        • @[email protected]
          230 days ago

          If they can make it such that you can have a placeholder Sony account that can’t access all PSN features, for the sole purpose to play this and other Sony games on Steam, that anyone in the world can access, that would be an acceptable compromise to me.

          If they did that then what is the point in requiring a login at all… just remove the damned feature that is not required and very few want. We know it is not required as the game has been working fine for months without it. There is zero need for you to need a login for this game. Except that sony wants more user information they can sell to others.

          • Rentlar
            130 days ago

            In the compromise model, Sony gets the interaction data they want and pad their account numbers for investors. Players get sustained access to the game. Win-win.

            • @[email protected]
              229 days ago

              Players get sustained access to the game.

              That should be the default for any game you have brought… not a compromise… Forcing everyone to have an account only serve to benefit Sony.