• @WamGams
      11 month ago

      Yes, we have established that you rely on antisemitism, calculated misc instructions, and name calling. For your next response, let’s see if you are capable of wit.

      I hope you can surprise me, little buddy.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        Again, hasbara… only Zionists conflate Zionism with Jewishness.

        Don’t be angry at me because your feigned naivety-schtick couldn’t hide your white supremacism.

        • @WamGams
          11 month ago

          I am a white supremacist now? Wow.

          I thought you were delusional, it turns out you are delusional and a liar.

          I need to congratulate you, because you truly have earned a spot on my block list. Good luck, little buddy.