Speaking from experience here. They have enough time. Most of them are completely politically uninvolved, but the ones who do know about politics are very frequently conservative, so i’m not entirely sure how to go about this.

It would make a lot of sense for rightwingers to mobilize the homeless and it probably won’t be as difficult considering homeless people get a huge amount of aid from churches.

  • @[email protected]OP
    2 years ago


    includes criminals. Criminals afaik have riots in prison to improve circumstances. Criminals are frequently (depending on region) recruited into firefighting forces. Mobilizing lumpenprol with other facets of society would help increase numbers.

    Gandhi mobilized some very poor people successfully.

    • @[email protected]
      -12 years ago

      No it doesn’t include criminals, it can’t. Because a criminal is someone who breaks the law, they can belong to any class. This includes ex big pharma exec Martin Shkreli, drug lords like Pablo Escobar, etc.