Any suggestion?

  • @[email protected]
    162 years ago

    Fedora gnome is great if you have laptop or some sort of track-pad setup. The ergonomics of Gnome’s gestures is out of this world. It is absurdly smooth and very nice to use. Fedora is also a future-oriented distro that adapts to the future without compromising on stability so you are always on the latest kernel, Gnome version, etc…

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      Second on Fedora. It ships pretty bleeding edge software, is very well integrated, has timely updates (new release every 9 months). I’ve set up family and coworkers with it and its kept them going for years with next to no problems. If you install it yourself, you probably want to add the RPM Fusion repository for proprietary video drivers and media codecs.

      I use Gentoo personally, but I wouldn’t recommend it unless you have an insatiable compulsion to tinker with things.