Im interested in cryptos, because it could serve as a foundation for an internet funded by people and communities. A crypto that protects people’s privacy and has a low energy cost.

But is this enough to make it ethical? Are there other aspects to take into concideration? Or is ethical cryptos possible?

In particular Im looking into Mobilecoin which Signal has integrated into their app.

  • poVoq
    2 years ago

    Besides all the technical issues, there is also a practical issue to consider: crypto currencies are designed to facilitate exchange between complete strangers and thus come with many build in assumptions. These assumptions are usually actively detrimental for local community currencies that depend a lot on shared trust between members (which is pretty much the opposite of cryptocurrencies).

    I would suggest you rather look into traditional legal forms of coops and issue a local currency through that. Based on this “analog” foundation you can then use GNU Taler to provide digital payments.