I carry a Leatherman Rebar when I know I’ll need a few more tools in my pocket. It’s only a few times a month but when I do it’s indispensable.

The size is both small enough to fit comfortably in my pocket while be substantial enough to feel like a real tool. The tools I use the most are the pliers, Philips screw driver, and wire cutters.

This model locks the tools while they are open which I prefer but it lacks scissors, a replaceable bit driver and has, in my opinion, a light duty knife.

  • Curious Canid
    1 year ago

    The tools are 3D printed in metal. The designs are excellent and the tools work quite well. I’ve been using them for at least six months and haven’t had any problems.

    I got the bit holder, the T-Shank saw blade holder, and the scalpel holder. They more than make up for what they replaced, except for the blades. Since I always carry both a plain edge and a serrated blade, it’s all a trade up.

    ZapWizard was also very helpful.