Have you commute to work by cycling? My workplace is 17km per trip, is it consider a normal/doable distance for bicycle commute? Havent done it before

  • 🇨🇦 tunetardis
    1 year ago

    It’s certainly doable, but it’s good to have a plan B? In my case, I still drive if the weather is awful, but public transit, ride sharing, etc. could also work depending on your circumstances.

    At 17 km, you might want to consider an ebike? I have done it both ways over the years. ebikes will generally get you there faster (particularly if there are hills) and with more consistent commute times, since they are less affected by winds, your general state of tiredness, etc. Also, you will have less of a sweaty mess to deal with when you arrive at work. I invested in a fat tire model to handle riding over snow within reason. (There are fat tire regular bikes too, of course, but it’s much more of slog.)