I’ve just subscribed to https://sopuli.xyz/c/y2k, and now refreshing its local representation here at https://lemmy.ml/community/18886, but still no content. Will continue refreshing and will update this post as soon as I see the content reached this instance, but anyway I’m curious how long it could usually take.

Update 1: more than 40 minutes has passed, I see a new post with a video appeared on the remote side, and almost instantly here on lemmy.ml. But the previous post still not here.

  • Serge TarkovskiOP
    23 years ago

    Seems it’s not fetching 20 posts if I understand things correctly. I searched and then subscribed right away, if that was first search, does it mean I will see 20 posts before the moment I subscribed?

    • DessalinesM
      3 years ago

      I’ve opened up an issue, I think its fetching the oldest posts currently (which isn’t correct). But also it doesn’t fetch complete history (in fact mastodon and most fediverse projects fetch no history iirc).