• @Pratai
    25 months ago

    No. Flee. We’ve learned through experience that turning a red state blue is a pipe dream. You cannot change from within, a state with systemic problems that doesn’t want to change.

    I urge everyone in a red state that it capable- to leave ASAP.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      That’s the problem though. It leaves those less capable stuck with no hope of their situation ever improving. Conservatives can be outnumbered. The easy thing is not necessarily the right thing.

      • @Pratai
        25 months ago

        That sucks for them. But things provenly haven’t gotten better or fixed under the current way of doing things.

        Red states thrive on status quo.

        • @[email protected]
          05 months ago

          You know that we can’t remove them from the country, right? Your way of thinking is exactly why the damned conservatives are as strong as they are. Ultimately you are giving them their best chance at taking even more political power. You should be ashamed of yourself for leaving those weaker and less capable than yourself to just be consumed by dogs. You are a coward and no better than them. One day they will be coming for you. Just know that.

          • @Pratai
            5 months ago

            Right… lol.

            Keep doing things the same way and see how things go. Best of luck. I’m safe and sound in my blue state where things work the way they’re supposed to. And we made it here on very little by the way. We both had minimum wage jobs in Florida. We now have thriving lives in Seattle.

    • @[email protected]
      05 months ago

      If I did that, I would be telling my sister “Sucks to be you. I got out.” She can’t leave because of a custody agreement. She and her children are stuck with these laws. If the number of people you are talking about leave, that will ensure things with never get better for my sister, nieces, and nephew, that the laws will get worse and worse and they will legally not be allowed to move. But according to you, I should just tell her “sucks, I got mine”.

      • @Pratai
        5 months ago

        Sooo… status quo because some people have circumstances that don’t allow them to leave? You realize that yelling at people on Internet forums to “GO VOTE!” is pointless, right? There will be no grassroots movement to unseat these cowards from our government. Period. End of story. People have been fighting corruption and overrraching fascists since the early 60’s and it’s exponentially WORSE today than it ever was.

        So doing nothing for the next several decades and repeating the past because a few people might get stuck is JUST AS selfish if not moreso as demanding people stay and suffer because if all can’t be helped- NONE must not be helped.

        Red states need to be abandoned. Full stop. If you can’t leave- that fucking sucks. But nothing will change if everyone stays. History has proven this time and time again.