If lemmy created a community the same name as the username when someone signs up. You could follow a lemmy user and then when your on mastodon (once we’re federated with mastodon) you could see their self posts in their community as a mastodon post and vice versa.

  • @[email protected]
    63 years ago

    @[email protected] said that

    Pleroma already has communities and the same thing is coming to Pixelfed.

    Which could be interesting, but again even if it was feasible it would be a long ways off because the devs have clarified they are focused on making lemmy as good as possible for lemmy users before trying to make it work on other social medias.

    • @[email protected]
      3 years ago

      Yeah I understand that it’s a long ways before federation with other services happens. I was just curious if there was an ActivityPub software the devs would find better to federate with than Mastodon. Honestly I’m perfectly content with just Lemmy-Lemmy federation (: