A recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) document titled “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide”* links common protest symbols to “terrorism” — another marker in a common theme of conflating militant protest for social justice with deadly terrorist violence within the United States. Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Brennan Center have raised warnings about such documents, citing inadequate protections for people’s constitutional rights.

  • Cethin
    96 months ago

    Funnily enough, this leaves out Proud Boy symbolism. It lists other right wing militia symbols, including black and gold which includes the Proud Boys though.

    It’s just a list of symbols that are sometimes used by terrorist/violent extremist/agitators though, and it explicitly says their usage or identity with these groups is not enough on its own, so it isn’t as bad as the headline implies it’s still not good though by any means.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      Yeah I’d love to see a head count of violent right wing extremists just in the FBI vs violent left wing extremists in the entire country.