• Kbin_space_program
    26 months ago

    Forgive the cynicism, but: free, for now.

    What happens when the company decides all of a sudden to lock the service behind a subscription pay wall?

    Do you still maintain rights to your photos when you use this service?

    • FaceDeer
      186 months ago

      I have no idea what you’re proposing be “locked behind a subscription pay wall.” The certificate exists and is public from the moment the picture is taken. It can be validated by anyone from that point forward, otherwise it would be pointless. Post the timestamp and the public key on a public blockchain and there’s nothing that can be “taken away” after that.

      Your rights to your photos are from your copyright on them. This service shouldn’t affect that. Read the EULA and don’t sign your rights away and there’s no way they can be taken.

      I suppose if they are running some kind of identity-verification service they could cut you off from that and prevent future photos you take from being signed after that, but that doesn’t change the past.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      What happens is the signature attached to the photo becomes impossible to maintain when the photo is edited, but the photos themselves are no different from any other photo. In other words, just a return to the status quo.