For a self-hosted application with a valid SSL certificate and support for OAuth, what are the benefits that Cloudflare Access provides? From what I can tell, it also filters traffic to possibly block attacks? Can it even be used with a self-hosted app if you aren’t also running Cloudflare Tunnel? Is there a better alternative (that also integrates with major OAuth providers like Google, Github, etc) for self-hosters? Thanks for the help in understanding how this works.

  • Darkassassin07
    1 year ago

    Last I’d checked (a couple years ago), they don’t permit media streaming via a free account, just serving static files. (I mean… Fair.)

    I had several issues with emby/plex not loading streams through cloudflare connections, or really struggling to do so. Disabling cloudflare proxying for that subdomain solved that.

    Now I just have cloudflare proxying my static file server and Ombi. Emby is a direct connection and everything else is behind OpenVPN.